Morning all: Must catch up on yesterday's acvitives; night cam at LG with EJ on nest. (Wrote "OG on nest" - what a picture!) :-))
I wouldn't be without Adblock Plus (and Flashblock) in Firefox.
EJ looking fantastic:
I heard the fuss from the other room! Fair shares for all it seems :-)
Joan - avid bird and nature watcher in Northumberland!
Index Thread
Well done Joan. Is that No 5 ?
Edit, just looked back. I can only find 4 fish.
Both ate well. It must be cool there today. Even Star is willing to snuggle under EJ. They didn't finish the fish so there are left overs for later . Star is developing auburn feathers on the back of it's head like Rothes :)
One chick ( I can't see which one) is under EJ's tail scrounging for scraps LOL
Formerly known as Barbara Jean
Not sure how many fish ... I think its four ... three this morning and then this one!
#1 still feeding and squeaking ... #2 stuffed :-))
Star's been under EJ's rear end being a perfect nuisance, tipping mum up and generally irritating - so just after this shot EJ conceded defeat and went for a brief flyabout.
Storm just had so many morsels in quick succession that (1) I lost count, and (2) Storm had to refuse any more! A sight for sore eyes ;)
#2 found room for a little more ... but only while lying down! Now totally stuffed :-)