Hi everyone.
Many thanks for all the excellent posts, pics, videos etc. on yestarday's update. Not sure how many fish Odin delivered but I get the feeling he'd probably juggle with them on the nest while riding a unicycle but doesn't want to show off ;-)
A word on the LG wind at the moment: It's three words really. The last two are: "off wind." The first word would get edited out. I'm having to keep the cam volume down to about 6% at the moment. I've tried my usual high volume but the wind noise is maddening at times.
Happy New Month everyone :-)
Happy New Month to Odin, EJ, Star, and Storm :-)
Warning! This post contains atrocious spelling, and terrible grammar. Approach with extreme edginess.
Just checking in to see if the wind has died down any. No such luck! Still blowing a gale here in Midlothian but at least the sun is out. Chicks seem quite happy to snuggle under Mum for a change and who could blame them. They must think they've been born in a wind tunnel!!
a few repairs
Just logged on to see Odin land on EJ! she didn't look impressed
Great clip Bruce. When chick gets clobbered by the stick he looks at Mum as if to say "What was that for?"
Margobird, I had no trouble getting onto Wildlife Village a moment ago.
Joan - avid bird and nature watcher in Northumberland!
Index Thread
Both feeding nicely ... fair shares!
Valc I just had an email from them and it seems that there are problems for some of us. They have given instructions but have read through several times and cannot for the life of me understand what they are telling me to do.. Could you send me the link you are using and I will have another try at getting in.
Feeding tme over and EJ covers the chicks. Odin flies in and takes away the leftovers!
OK Fish 4
Splendid video Bruce :)
Just great that you caught Odin bringing the fish to the nest Joan