Almost forgot about starting this one! Off to read last few posts of last week.
Hello and Good Morning! See that lots has been written even since I was on here last night, so have to go back & read it before I can reply - meanwhile, its just started to rain heavily here after our awakening today to glorious sunshine. Oh! the fun of the English Spring! The weather can be so unpredictable, its hard to decide which clothes to put on your body.
Was thrilled yesterday afternoon to go on Skype and 'talk' to my Grandson, as he is now beginning to take notice, and looks at the screen when he hears a voice - what fun! He is of course at an age when they grow in leaps and bounds, so is bigger every time we set eyes on him. Beginning to get his teeth now, so can be a little grizzly at times.
Enjoyed SpringWatch last night; at least they do have a lot of bird coverage. Last night we saw Redstarts, which I have never seen 'for real'. More about the nesting Herons tomorrow, which always amuse me as they look so inappropriate to be up in the trees, with their long legs and beaks.
Off now to get ready to walk into the Town for some onions - must keep up with the excercise or I'll start rusting!
Thank you all for your kind thoughts. ANNETTE disposable BBQs are tin foil containers with charcoal and covered with a mesh. friends have hammocks in the garden but don't think they get much use out of them!!!
Hey, Take care of yourself, dibnlib!
DIBNLIB. So sorry to hear about your health problems. Our good wishes go with you. Get well soon and hurry back to us, you will be missed.
The mind is like a parachute, it doesn't work if it's not open.
HI TERRY Read back some of the posts and I do so agree with you. So many programmes are filled with the words "coming up next" that there is very little content in the end. Boring
Morning all .... just a quick look in before OH and I head out for a short trip up the coast. Will keep my eyes peeled for overhead ospreys, since Roy Dennis's Rothiemurchus is heading north!
I have to agree with the 'boring bits' about Springwatch, although I do enjoy a lot of it! We record it and skip the bits we want to miss!!
Have a good day all ... back later.
Joan - avid bird and nature watcher in Northumberland!
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Good afternoon all and glad to say the sun is out today after non-stop rain yesterday which we did need, garden looks a bit better and plants have perked up a bit. Very hard to type at the moment as Billie is sitting on my mouse mat (excuse the pun) which actually has pictures of meerkats on it. she wants a fuss made of her so I feel I have to oblige.
Annette hope you have managed to spend some time in your hannock now and i smiled about Lightening wanting to sharpen her claws up on it, probably thinks that you have got it just for that use. Have to watch Billie a bit in that department but OH has now got another scratching thing and she is using what she should be for that purpose. Hope your fountain is working well,. tricklng water has such a calming effect in the garden. pleased you enjoyed your Chinese meal. How lovely to see the bob cats and to be able to watch them for a while.
TerryM So enjoyed reading about your holiday. I hope when I go to LG I can do a daily diary so I can post it when I get back. Shame you had some pretty rough weather though.
Alan thanks for the info re the Derby peregrines and also how sad that the Aberfoyle eggs were abandoned just when they were due to hatch. it will be interesting to find out why.
trish 2 so pleased you and OH enjoyed the hawk day, assuming the weather was OK for it. I am keeping my fingers crossed for my birds of prey day as if it did turn out to be wet would not be able to do it and would need to rebook.
HeatherB that is some crazy weather you are having. Sorry about the runner beans.
dibnlib as many have said we will miss you but hopefully this will help and you will be able to pop in from time to time. Lots of hugs and love winging it's way to you.
Lynette how lovely to find the letters from your Dad to your Mum. Filling in all sorts of family history for you at a very important time in this country. Hope you and OH enjoyed your meal.
Chrissy sorry to read about your Mum, hope she will improve soon.
Diane you certainly have some extremes of weather. That sounds very hot. Will have a look at the link you posted later today.
Lindybird so nice for you to be able to see little grandson via Skype, isn't technology wonderful. Poor little thing will be a bit grizzly with teeth coming through. Ryhs is just cutting his double teeth and dribbles all the time and his little cheeks are so red and he is a bit under the weather.
DjoanS hope you enjoy your trip out today. I agree with you and TerryM about Springwatch. I record and just watch the bits I want to. As has been said too much talking and not enough action some of the time.
Off to do some lunch now and to watch Andy Murray to see if he can win the match that started last night. I switched over as it looked as though he was going to lose but was surprised when I checked to find that hehad managed to get himself together and they are 2 sets all now.
Hi all ive finally got my internet conection sorted
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Alison W said: Hi all ive finally got my internet conection sorted
Walked out to get my groceries, and Lo & Behold, the rain came down heavily just after I returned! so lucky! Yesterday, we went to Knutsford which is a dear little town, and they have an annual Street Fair with stalls and entertainments in the street. It was a drizzly morning, though, so there were very few people about which is such a shame as its all for charity. This year they had a 'Cranford' theme as its where Elizabeth Gaskell set her stories - lots of the stall holders and some of the organisers had dressed up in Victorian costumes which were lovely (I forgot to take the camera :-( ), and a young girl was playing the flute so beautifully, I stood and listened for a while. OH bought some paperbacks & I bought the hardback copy of Paul O'Grady's autobiography - he does make me laugh! We marched ourselves past all the cake stalls but came home with some herbs in pots, and some Cheshire Blue Cheese.
Hi lindybird,all sorted now going away on saturday so haven't much time to look