Weekly Chat, Sunday May 29, 2011

Almost forgot about starting this one!  Off to read last few posts of last week.


  •   Just been on for the first time today - been waiting for deliveries of various things including Asda shop.  All things have arrived safely. Been watching our illustious family though inbetween things.

    Off out to choir practice tonight after 4 weeks of not going.  We tend to meet fornightly but because something else was on in the church a fortnight ago, choir practice was cancelled.  Looking forward to a good sing song.

    Couple of pics,  the three home alone briefly at Manton Bay and an elephant at Pete's Pond - its an hour on out there so already dark.

  • Lynette  thanks for Rutlamd Bay capture and the elephant capture which is really atmospheric.


  • We came home yesterday and I did try to catch up last night but I just couldn't concentrate so had an early night. I had no chance to look at my computer whilst we were away.

    It was good to see SiL and her OH but I ended up shopping, cooking and cleaning. She was obviously not well but her OH says he is worried that she has seen her GP so frequently and had various tests but no answers as yet. Her OH is coping very well but was glad of some help, but we couldn't stay with them indefinitely. I am not convined that her problems are physical but since her operation last year, she is questioning every little ache and pain and refuses to travel beyond her local area and therefore be not near enough to her Doctor. She will not admit to this though.

    We have spent all of today working in the garden. the small amount of rain we have had, has made no difference. I did suggest to OH that we should cut down on the number of potted plants but somehow we seem to have another two large pots.

    Right I will now try and read your posts that I have missed.

  •  OG- Lovely rhodies for Dibnlib and I send all my best wishes too, Dibnlib. See you soon xx

  •  How about this for cuteness? Baby Goldfinch just now on feeders:


  • Dibnlib, So sorry to hear of your health problems and I hope so much that the therapy is successful. I send you hugs and will remember you in my prayers. Hope you are able to pop in when you feel able and you definitely will be missed.

  • BrendaH sounds as though you had a busy time and it must be a worry for you and I think your visit will have helped OH as he obviously worries about her.


  • Alan  that is a very large dose of "cuteness" what a lovely photograph.  Just gorgeous.


  • Hallo again: Just finished all kinds of little chores....

    BrendaH: Oh dear, sorry you had to work so hard at your SiL's. I'm afraid I've forgotten what ailed her last year (if you told us). If she had a serious illness, I imagine her anxiety is understandable, but must be hard for her OH. Hope you can take things a little easier now you're home.

    Lynette: Thanks for reminding me about Pete's Pond.

    Alan: Gorgeous little finch!

    Back to chores!

  • First chance today to read through posts - busy morning, out half afternoon, then busy replying to cousin re family history.

    Here are some birds, until I get around to replies.

    Another Chaffinch feed:

    Baby in close-up:

    Ospreys Rule OK, but Goldfinches come a close second!