I think I'm doing this correctly.
Night cam on a few minutes ago.
Warning! This post contains atrocious spelling, and terrible grammar. Approach with extreme edginess.
Much calmer this morning. EJ is faffing with the nest debris within reach, whilst Star's head occasionally makes an appearance.
Oh dear, Storm just took kicks in the face when EJ came towards the camera to collect a fish and shuffled backwards across the chicks :o S\he's OK though, so far.
(I know we should have a new thread but don't want to take the responsibility in my newbiness ;)
0745 feed was poor for both chicks, especially Storm, with EJ vacillating and eating many morsels herself. Storm got hardly anything and even managed to get the egg between him/herself and EJ, hopeless. It's not a bad day though, looking on the bright side :)
Breakfast in bed