I thought a little earlier that I could hear noises from the last egg but maybe the chicks make sucking noises? Anyway, I'm up so I thought I'd start us off. But going to bed now.
Good night EJ it sounds a little wet now
Odin brought a fish
And then he removed one of the sticks/branches on top of the chicks!
#1 got plenty but I think the wee one got nothing, maybe that stick was causing troubles?
Then EJ moved that silly stick and continued brooding
my photos in flickr
There came Odin and took rest of that fish away with him
AUNTIE, those pics you captured are important because they give us a much more accurate fix on the hatching time, somehwere between the night camera pics you captured, and before 6.30 am. You may not have been sure yourself at the time, but your careful capturing of the pics means you truly deserve the credit! ;-)
Smiles, Jan.
Morning all ... the wind doesn't sound as bad today, but I think it was raining earlier. EJ is hunkered down, listening to Radio Chaffinch! Congratulations to auntie on her 'scoop' of the hatching!
Joan - avid bird and nature watcher in Northumberland!
Index Thread
Wow, you've really kept the home fires burning today Heron. Thank you for your chatter , I always enjoy it.''Sure cirrus leave the Jean off. I only used it because when I registered ti would not take just Barbara. No one calls me Barbara Jean . LOL Sure cirrus leave the Jean off. I only used it because when I registered ti would not take just Barbara. No one calls me Barbara Jean''
. LOL Barbara, I've only just caught up with this comment - missed it with going to a meeting last night.JSB - I do want to mention , having had a second look at the stats, thank you - it's just great seeing Star and Storm mentioned in ''official'' stats EJ is really enjoying a peaceful sleep - she couldn't have slept much in days!Thanks so for Annette, Auntie (and VERY many congrats on your coup !! ) and DJoan for pics , A wonderful lot of them :)
Congratulations Auntie for recording the 2nd chick earlier in the morning. That will teach me to look at nest captures more closely.
Thanks for starting us off Cirrus. Also thanks for all earlier comments and pictures.
Lovely to look at the nest this morning with no gales, just birdsong.
Mum gone for brife fly around
Good morning all!
At the risk of sounding daft, I swear that when EJ just flew off briefly, 'the other egg' was moving. Did anyone else see that? Tell me my eyes weren't deceiving me!
EJ went for a quick comfort break ... Chick1 is getting good at turning itself round!