Hi everyone.Here's hoping that the Super Ospreys at LG don't have to endure the quite frankly crazy winds that battered the area yesterday (23/05/11). Still sounds quite windy at LG just now.
Warning! This post contains atrocious spelling, and terrible grammar. Approach with extreme edginess.
Thanks for all the updates since teatime.
Alan - lovely video of the chicks feeding.
EJ appears to be calling and keeps looking skywards.
RSPB Giving Nature a Home
Night cam just gone on and EJ still calling.
Jillian on the main blog has coined two , in my opinion, great names for the chicks until they are named (if you see what I mean) . Star (first hatched ''A Star is Born'' and Storm ! ) What do you think?
I've just got in - been out all evening at a meeting. Now going to read back . Hello Lynette , if you are still online . I think the others may have gone to roost.
What wonderful news. Thank you for descripts, pics and Alan for clip.
JSB The first egg normally takes 37 to 38 days to hatch. Why this is so we have no idea but it has been postulated that the osprey puts more resources into the first egg. Subsequent eggs tend to hatch faster at about 35 or 36 days.
I remember one year (I would have to do research to find which year) at Bassenthwaite there were no chicks at dusk and two at dawn.
We saw this virually repeated at Rutland today with no chicks at dawn and two at dusk.
If you go back to 2007 we had the unique (for us) experience of EJ laying a second clutch. Now the first egg there hatched at 34 days. I have often wondered if EJ used a different formulae to get a quick hatch. However all the three chicks perished.
Now if you want unusual stats I got them. Here is Millford Conneticut stats which I think are unusual. See here.
Also interesting stats from DPOF
Tiger Signature
Unknown said:
I think we owe Auntie a very loud round of applause!!!!!! In this pic, taken by her at 6.30 this morning (UK time), you can clearly see TWO humbugs!!!!!!! She scooped us all, including Richard Thaxton, and didn't realise it. Richard didn't claim a 2nd hatching until much later in the morning (can't remember exact time right now), but the proof is in this picture. That explains why the second chick appears much stronger than we would expect. ;-)
Smiles, Jan.
Wattle I agree with you. When I first saw that picture this morning I thought there was two chicks. Then I got distracted and only came back when I called the 2nd chick at 10.59am.
Well done Auntie. Clearly two humbugs on the nest at 0630 today. Star and Storm sound perfect to me. There is remarkable devastation all around my area after the storm with lots of mature trees down (thankfully not in my garden). It was quite scary really. The storm of 1987 took place through the night. I was living in London at the time and it was something we woke up to, not something we witnessed. Off to see what has happened at LOTL
Starting new thread
We still seem to be on yesterday. Because we didn't have the day in I had to check my calendar
Best wishes Chris
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