Hi, all. Welcome to a new week!
According to the Daily Update, EJ and Odin still have one chick and two eggs.
For those just finding this thread: Here's today's Daily Update
Hallo everyone! Diane thanks for starting us off! I left Prescott, AZ at 7:30 this morning and got home around 5 p.m. after a pretty easy drive. Had a lovely time with granddaughter and Delightful Delilah, but oh - how do I upload a photo?
Go to the Reply box at the bottom of the page.
Before typing anything, click "Use rich formatting."
That will open a box with all of the options from the old software. You can use bold and italic, insert photos, insert links, etc.
I started the new thread because I didn't know whether you were back. Glad you had a good time!!! Nice to see you!
Morning all.
Diane Thanks for starting the new thread. I like the posh links :)
Here is a very cute video of Faith at play
Annette Welcome back.
Tiger Signature
Diane: Thanks for that - I read back through last week's chat and found info on the Rich Text stuff (Thanks Tiger - I think it was you who posted the original info!) Anyway, promise I won't bore you all with the masses of photos of Delilah I took; here's just one - I'd taken some gifts and her Mom always used to take the bows and ribbons and put them in her hair, etc., so we carried on the tradition (except Delilah herself is a wonderful little gift!)
Wow. That's a big photo - hmmm. Will have to learn more about Windows Live Photo Gallery or break down and install Photoshop, which I know....
Happy new week all! Thanks Diana for starting us :))) Annette, Delilah looks sooooooo cute!!!! And good morning to mr/dr Tiger too LOL
Weather here is beautiful today and I have a day off so will probably go to Pohtiolampi although this is not the best time of spring/summer to see ospreys fishing there 'cause chicks haven't hatched in this part of the world yet so the males probably hunt mostly in the early morning and late evening to feed themselves and their spouses. But anyway - there is a chance to see other winged creatures too.
Have a good week all!
my photos in flickr
Was thinking how caring and friendly everyone here.
Another smile to start your week.....
Hope the weather forecast for our Ospreys will not be so severe as predicting on Mon Tues,no wonder they have been bringing in more sticks to man the ramparts ....
Kate2: I almost never cry, but I confess that I got a wee bit teary over that video. That was wonderful! Thanks.
Annette: Delilah is adorable. Gorgeous!
Tiger: Loved the baby bear. She is very very strong and persistent!
Hello! Thanks to Diane for starting us off on the week again.
Kate2 - Lovely bit of film. We all need 'buddies.' :-) Agree that the forecast for that part of Scotland is a bit grim for the next few days. Not a good time to be hatching out.
Annette; Glad to see you back safe and sound - Delilah is truly Delightful! Sounds like you had a good trip.
auntie: Have a great time at . Ph......tempi - can't pronounce it, nor spell it!
Sunny/showery here, so we may just get our own rainbows today - see the Daily Thead. Hoping to visit Aged Auntie and take Dog for a walk this am.