Hi everyone.All peaceful at the LG nest, with a gentle breeze blowing in the background.
Warning! This post contains atrocious spelling, and terrible grammar. Approach with extreme edginess.
Odin is cheeping off an intruder, looking above him and around him. Still there.
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13.12 Intruder alert by Odin.
Calling for a minute or so. I could hear wing beats off camera, so whoever it was got pretty close. He's settled again now.
Just heard flapping of wings overhead. Odin continues to cheep. This was a few minutes ago, I had a telephone call! Sorry. All peaceful again now.
EJ is back with a chirrup, talking gently and stepping slowly down the nest bowl, feet touching Odin, who rolls over slightly and doesn't take the hint.. The finally does. He stands up, EJ settles and briefly he stands on the rim by the camera before flying off.
Our expectant mum is looking very calm at the moment!
Hi everyone.
Thanks for all the updates and pics.
EJ's looking relaxed as she waits for a fish delivery
Thanks for all the pictures and comments!
It is only 5-6 days until a new little one will make it's appearance ")
The time since the eggs were laid has flown by
Formerly known as Barbara Jean
Hi Barbara Jean. I can't wait! I go on two weeks holiday on Sunday and hope to see at least one chick hatch before I go, then possibly at LG when I pop in mid-week after next. Roll on 20 May - if Tiger's excellent prediction works to plan.
Thanks Pharazon!!
I just missed the fish and the changing of the guard.