Greetings all. Sunday, almost 9.45 am here. Gorgeous pics of flowers & cats & dog on previous thread.Back later.
That is a good idea Barbara Jean. However beware you could end up lousing up lots of logins.
It would be best to find out what the error message is?
Last time we had a change here the login system changed. This time it has not.
Tiger Signature
Hello everyone. Good to see you again. Gosh how I have missed you all. Each morning I get up, breakfast, leave the few dishes til after lunch, boot up computer, check LG Nest - night "over there", not much to see, so over to the chatter pages. Ow! I'm badly addicted. LOL. I don't like the font, suppose I'll get used to it. But it is confusing that people's "footnotes' - their little sayings - are in the same font & size.
Dau#2's birthday today. As she wasn't feeling well, I went up did copious chores (more than I would at home), chatted, cheered her up and left her to rest. Nothing serious that won't cured by October (or 20 years later). Yep, another grand-kid is on the way.
BTW The safest way of getting in is via your person page. It seems to me that other links are not as reliable.
Hurrah! Found you all at last! Withdrawal symptoms withdrawing rapidly. Much reading to do now. Dreadful news from Rutland. I can't understand the mentality of people who ffeel they have to kill birds or other wildlife.
My links keep dropping out and I'm left with Not Available or some such phrase. So I've put all the links I want in this new system's Favourites, and put LG Community on my main tool bar favourites in the hope I can get back in quickly.
Some lovely photos have been put on today. Thank you. And it is so nice to find Friends back with us again. Congratulations(?) on another g'daughter on the way AQ. I hope your daughter soon feels better.. Not been thru it all myself of course. Happy birthday to her!
Hello patricia!
I hope that Diane manages to find us.
Margo should be back from Florence today I think. Looking forward to hearing about her trip.
Those of you near LG may be interested to read Cromarty to Nigg Ferry. I had no idea that Penelope Keith lived in Scotland! Perhaps back to the Good Life but on the other side of the fence!
(Will the posh links work for me I wonder!!)
Birdie's DU Summaries 2018
Interesting about the Cromarty to Nigg Ferry, Sheila. It was on the local news last night. PK has lived on the Black Isle for a number of years.
I remember years ago taking my son and his friend to the beach at Cromarty. They were fascinated by the ferry boat and the ferryman allowed them to ride back and fore across the firth for free for the whole afternoon. I had a great read of my book on the beach that day!!! LOL
Hi OG, hope you enjoyed your break. It looks like we can reply to each other if we want to so we don't forget who's said what or post on the last page.
RSPB Giving Nature a Home
Hey George, nice to see you back with us and thanks for the friendship acceptance.
Hello everyone - All I can say is that the technical folk must have made it fairly simple because I managed to find you all! I am usually pretty stupid when it comes to these things. We lost the sound on our bedroom TV last night. (Thats the one I watch when OH is watching war documentaries, which is pretty much every evening. I keep trying to resist saying 'I know how it ends'.) Anyway, I read the Manual, pressed lots of buttons and after a very long time, managed to get sound. So thanks, RSPB boffins and thanks Tiger for your helpful posts. Thanks also to all who accepted my friendship requests.
rosiemac how fascinating that you know the ferry and the area! It is nice to read that 'celebrity' move on and become normal folk in the community! Do you remember the book you read then! More important, did you see any dolphin?