Greetings all. Sunday, almost 9.45 am here. Gorgeous pics of flowers & cats & dog on previous thread.Back later.
Hi everyone. Have been reading the blogs for 2 years and more but have never been able to reply as my cursor would not 'click'. I live quite near LG and go down quite a lot. I have met Wendy B. Hope to blog much more now that I can!!
Welcome rosimac, glad you found us. It took me a while to find out where we were but thanks to Woodpecker I am now back in the fold.
Glad you have met Wendy B , she doesn't live far from LG and posts about her walks etc - sounds lovely.
RSPB Giving Nature a Home
Hi rosiemac ... glad to see you here ... and that your cursor clicks now!!
Joan - avid bird and nature watcher in Northumberland!
Index Thread
Thanks, Lynette, I am in the other direction to LG from Wendy - to the north west. I've put this thread in my favourites ( I hope!!!) Thanks too Joan.
Hi, all. Back from short hol - and back on chat - but don't know how I got here , so don't know if I'll ever find it again!
Ospreys Rule OK, but Goldfinches come a close second!
I everyone also found site more by luck than judgement. Not sure if I like it ..yet..not sure about the American date set up.
Looking forward to your photos OG...that is if you find this again..good luck!!!
Lots of new controls. Note those contols at the top of the forums like <date> and <replies> etc. If you click <replies> it brings the really big threads to the top.
Tiger Signature
What I am finding amazing is that this thread has actually transferred from the old format, so I can catch up on posts since I signed off Saturday night!
Whoo Hoo! We're Back! - don't know how I got here, though.......!
Wonder how Joan managed to post that pic..... nice rabbit, Joan. I'm supposd to be cooking dinner, so may have to leave for a bit just now.....