Evening all: EJ just got up to check her eggs (make sure none of them escaped!) and settled down again.
By jove I think we've got it! Sound that it. Thank YOU Margobird for noticing! :-)
A preening Odin
First one to post hearing the chick 'talk' in the egg has my thanks. You'll hear it before I will since I'll be away :(
Yes indeed Alan - had a grin on my face at such a great pic 'book end' indeed
A lovely Pic Joan - very well captured
What a treat to hear Radio Chaffinch again, all is right in osprey world now. Althogh the wnd seems fierce looking at EJ and she is not having a bad hair day so perhaps it sounds worse than it is.
Oh, its just wonderful to have the sound back again! Yabadabadooo as Cirrus so rightly put!
Latest pic from the nest:
-Odin doing what he likes best!
Cheep cheep :) EJ's back
She gives a few rattles on ''the'' stick . More cheeps and off Odin flies
Contact calls galore to her eggs
"Chirrup chirrup" ... EJ talks to the eggs :-))) Wonderful!
Joan - avid bird and nature watcher in Northumberland!
Index Thread
Wasn't that just wonderful to hear EJ chirrup as she arrived!!! She has now taken over and Odin flown off. Oh heaven!!
Birdie's DU Summaries 2018 https://www.imagicat.com/