As we know from the announcement today the software upgrade will take place from Monday 16th May.
I have decided to start a thread dedicated to discussing how these changes will affect our "Loch Garten Group".
It seems as if groups will cease to exist under the new system.
I guess we have to use the seven days we have to discuss the implications on the change on our community.
Tiger Signature
Robert the Bruce You might be interested to read this thread which is a consultation on good eggs. You will find some of my views in there.
I think it is very wise of you to say:
With any Internet forum, people should dip their toe in rather than barging right in anyway, and it will soon become obvious who to turn to for particular advice.
I think that the beauty of the Loch Garten group is that it has been a great community which does not depend on a few people. Responsibility is widely shared and that is very good.
Thanks Barbara Jean: for that extra info on pages/private e-mail thingies. I'm getting "friend" notices from folks and will be sending out "be my friend?" requests of my own this evening. (Feel like a kindergarten newbie!)
I think the most important items to determine before the upgrade happens, are "what titles to give to our group's favourite threads", and "who will start them off" when the new version opens for business.
I think the earlier suggestion of LG Weekly Chat and LG Daily Chat might work best - to be easily recognisable and searched for if necessary.
Maybe we can leave it to the usual 'new thread starters' to get us off to a prompt restart - especially as quite a few regular members are going away around the time of the changeover.
Oh dear. I am feeling a horrible tide of woe about all of this. How do I send 'be my friend' requests anyone? I couldn't see the instructions on 'My Page'. What about all the people we are not friends with who pop in from time to time like myself? All this just before the egg-timer goes off! Heaven help us.
I am so glad that I'm not the only one who can't find out how to send 'friend requests' Emma. I'm on a deadline here because we are going away tomorrow 0600 hrs. Never mind, I'm sure it will all work out somehow---------
Hope you have a lovely time while you are away Heather. I have discovered that you need to go to the person you want to be friends with's page. Sorry about the grammar...If you have time, go to my page and ask to be my friend. That way, we can hold hands at the other side..Its like going into the tardis and not knowing where/when you will land.
Hi everyone.Thanks for starting this thread Tiger. Great to have somewhere we can discuss potential implications of changes made to the site. As for what'll happen to group pages such as Loch Garten Ospreys, is still unclear to me. So if the new set up means that threads such as: "Daily Update", and "Weekly Chat" etc are all lumped into one general chat location, I totally agree with suggestions that threads like these could be named in such a way as to clearly indicate their exact function. For example, "LG Weekly Chat..." is clear enough and does exactly what it says on the tin.I really hope that when the changes are complete, we are all looking back and saying: "I don't know what all the panic was about. Everything's fine."My kindest regards to everyone.Paul.
Warning! This post contains atrocious spelling, and terrible grammar. Approach with extreme edginess.
I suspect that whatever happens this group will find the resources to deal with it. As always it will be a mixture of good and bad. It is not without good reason that my favourite saying is "To every advantage there is a disadvantage".
Hazel b said: I suspect that whatever happens this group will find the resources to deal with it. As always it will be a mixture of good and bad. It is not without good reason that my favourite saying is "To every advantage there is a disadvantage".
Why not put it the other way round, Tiger? "To every disadvantage there is an advantage". Sounds more positive. I think you are right. It may take some of us longer than those IT experts but I'm sure people like you will help.
The mind is like a parachute, it doesn't work if it's not open.
quietwoman Oh I am very aware of the corollorary. Indeed I often use it when dealing with real life. Turning problems into opportunities is something I think a lot about.
It is just that when things are new people tend to see the good aspects. They realise the problems later.