Weekly Chat, Sunday 8 May 2011

Happy Mother’s Day to all mothers. I hope you all have a great day.

Do check back to last week's chat for OG's gorgeous wildflower garden pics And Lynette's pics of Dunedin & Hampton eaglets.

Linda - I love your pics of Tatton Park, especially autumn.

Alan  -24 handbags!!!! Must be related to our Dau#2 who collects shoes & handbags. Me, I have one all-purpose go-everywhere shoulder bag. Plus the gold one OH gave me decades ago and saw the light of day at the weddings.

Brenda, Linda, Lynette, Joan, OG - On my first trip o/s I had a list of what to take. It helps remind me not to forget vital things like eye drops, film (nowadays it is memory cards & battery charger!). When I returned I noted what I didn’t use and now I check the amended list, pruning every trip. Why drag excess around? Invariably my room in B&Bs was on 2nd or3 rd floor. Besides I may buy things, such as jumpers - that’s my weakness. Stupid really because I knit them and the wardrobe is bursting. So, OG, I shall choose one of them. And camera almost lives in said all-purpose bag!

Joan - I heard a story of a local teacher who had 7 children in her class named "Amy" but all spelled differently.

  • Me too, I've sent out a few friend requests. No time to do more now. I've accepted those I received. I hope I don't lose anyone.

  • Can somebody please ensure that we have Auntie, Gary, GeorgeG, Lynette, SheilaFE and any others we speak to individually included in the friends list?  Twice this evening the site has gone down and it would be awful if we had a few days of problematic access to the site before cut-off. All going well we can get together for a pow-wow at the weekend and deploy a strategy for the post 19.05.11 RSPB community blog.  It was all going so well....

  • Tonights pics.Eaglets at HamptonManchester peregrinesAnd Mother Goose has gone, will the ospreys take over now.

  • Unknown said:

    Can somebody please ensure that we have Auntie, Gary, GeorgeG, Lynette, SheilaFE and any others we speak to individually included in the friends list?  Twice this evening the site has gone down and it would be awful if we had a few days of problematic access to the site before cut-off. All going well we can get together for a pow-wow at the weekend and deploy a strategy for the post 19.05.11 RSPB community blog.  It was all going so well....

    Emma - I hope to find time to go back through chats and be-friend every name I can. Just now I'm writing down names as I remember them, so I can search for them if they haven't posted recently. Between us all, we should collect everyone. I just hope this is all a "storm in a teacup". I should miss my daily fix of chatter. How did I manage before? Must dash or I shall miss the bus.

  • My goodness - I feel like the High School Prom Queen - everyone wants to be my friend!  :-)))  Seriously, I've added everyone to my page, but please tell me, do I now have to ask everyone to be my friend in order to contact them later?  I know you can post on other folks' pages, but am I right/wrong in thinking that will change in the New Order?

    I'm off out for another concert tonight (the last in the Chamber Music series for this season). Will check in later.  Hugs to all!

  • Annette.  You only got to do it one way. Either you ask them or they ask you. A bit like going to a dance! :)

  • Annette and everyone:

    This is my understanding:

    *   After the upgrade, you will no longer be able to post comments on someone's personal page the way we do now.

    *   All of the comments that are currently posted on your page will disappear during the upgrade. (If you have comments that you want to save, copy them now to your own computer.)

    *   After the upgrade, we will have a private message feature that is like email. Messages will be private between two people; the entire community won't be able to see them, although everyone will be able to see your personal page (your profile).

    *   You will not be able to send someone a message or receive a message from him or her unless you are "Friends" with that person. He or she must be on your Friends list.

    *   Nothing more needs to be done after you accept a Friend request. Each of you will appear on the others' Friends list. Your current Friends list will remain intact after the upgrade. (Confirmed by RSPB tech staff.)

    *   After the upgrade, you'll be able to add or delete people from your Friends list at any time. You don't have to do it right now.

    But folks are afraid that they won't be able to find anyone after the site changes. That's why they're adding friends before the upgrade -- so they'll have contacts as we all set up the new chat and update threads.

    Hope that helps!

  • One more major snag on my end. I am ready to  give up , I am so frustrated. 

    Now I can't see the nest and I know it is working because several posted screen shots 

    First it was  two weeks trying to get   logged in to post and now this  

    I had "Flip 4 Mac" for 3 years and it worked fine. 

    Robert the Bruce provided a  link to an alternate site to watch the nest  if this  Web Cam  is not working. I clicked on it and it worked,  but I got a prompt I had to to update my Flip 4 Mac ( I use a Mac)   Now   all I get is a  message  " plug-in missing"   I have  un-installed  Flip 4 Mac and reinstalled it with no success. 

    I checked the FAQ on the Flip 4 Mac site,  but there is no answer to my problem 

    If I can't correct this then it has been fun,  but I  have to leave.  I can't even see the nest  now 

    Barbara Jean


    Formerly known as Barbara Jean

  • Morning all! Sorry I haven’t been posting for a while but I have done some lurking LOL Weather has been pampering us here after that horribly long and cold winter so I’ve been trying to be outdoors when have time. And of course the exiting happenings at our three cam-nests here have kept me glued to the comp-screen (when not at work or out). In Seili/Nauvo-nest

    http://www.natureit.net/kamera/seili there seems to be a first-time breeders (three eggs) and they were a bit clueless at the beginning - especially the female- what to with the egg - should one really sit on it ALL the time? In Häme/Janakkala-nest (three eggs) http://www.natureit.net/kamera/saaksisaatio

    there is an “old” female and a new male, he is probably also a first timer - had some serious troubles to understand how to brood, he probably kicked the first egg out by mistake - he just deepened the egg cup when there was an egg already… And there has been some intruder problems in this nest a while ago but things seems to be a OK now. And in Hailuoto http://kotinetti.suomi.net/saaksi/index.php there is an “old” pair and she has laid FOUR eggs.

    Am a bit worried ‘bout that coming software upgrade, hope I find my way around here afterwards! Was thinking should I send friend requests but then I realized - I should send them to ALL OF YOU and that is too time consuming. And I think we can still add friends to our lists after that change. Hope you all are well and safe, take care, hugs and kisses to each and everyone

  • Barbara Jean: I truly wish I could help you, but I don't know much about Macs. You've been an invaluable member of this group and have made great contributions to the Daily Update. I hope you can get it sorted!

    Patriciat: I am so very sorry that you are in such an awful dilemma. I know from experience how difficult it is to take time for yourself when you are a caregiver. It's heartrending to tell a loved one that you need some time away. If you feel that you have to cancel the trip, make sure that you do something else really nice for yourself. Buy yourself something fun or treat yourself in some other way. My thoughts are with you.

    Tiger: You are correct. Annette has made an invaluable contribution to this group! She provided the thread organization that allowed us to become such a bonded group of friends.

    Annette: I was so glad to read of the increase in the whale count numbers. Yay! 100 calves is great news. I hope you enjoy your time with family -- especially Delightful Delilah! Are you driving to Arizona alone? If so, be careful and take everything you might need for emergencies.

    george g: I'm so glad that you're feeling better. It's very normal for you to feel overwhelmed at times after such a loss. Be good to yourself!

    Lindy: I'm glad Sweetpea is thriving! Loved the description of your walk with Buzz. I enjoy the sounds of blackbirds, too! I hope your business planning goes well.

    Alan: Beautiful goldfinch photo! Hope Hamish is on the mend and his biopsy results are just fine!

    Brenda: Glad your computer is back, even if you don't know what went wrong. :-)

    Margo: Billie is becoming a great house cat! So glad you're enjoying her so much!

    Cirrus, Alan, Heather, Annette, OG, Margo, AQ, Sheila: I hope you all have safe and WONDERFUL holidays away!!!

    Hi, to Joan, Brenda, Lynette, and everyone I've missed.

    Everyone try to relax about the upcoming upgrade. We'll all muddle through it together! And we'll find a way to keep this group together -- one way or another!!! :-)