Morning all!
Just turning in after an eventful evening of computer rebuilding and Irish music sessions!
EJ stands up for a stretch to show off her eggs:
Don't they look bright on the night cam!
Normal service is resumed:
"Only two things are infinite - the universe and human stupidity. And I'm not too sure about the universe..." - Albert Einstein
he's sticking around
been on the nest now for 5 mins... and as i type this he flies off
Lovely morning photos. Thank you everyone. EJ has been sitting on the nest enjoying the lovely weather yet again. Odin flew in to say hello,
and EJ decided to take a spot of 'me' time off the nest, and flew off.
Birdie's DU Summaries 2018
That was a short exercise flight, She has returned and asked Odin to leave! He has now flown off, and EJ settles once more.
Morning everyone. Thanks for sharing your pics. I've asked about sound on the main blog, but not sure if we'll get a response. I don't have time to read them all so there may be an answer somewhere. Haven't heard from Richard for a while...hope he's OK.
Missed all the change-overs today, so far. Started counting the days now. Have to keep squeezing my 'cuddly osprey' to prevent withdrawal symptons.
Just logged in to BigRigTrucker Steve and for a second wondered why it was dark and nothing was happening.....Don't think my brain has woken up yet.....or maybe all this sunshine has got to it.
The mind is like a parachute, it doesn't work if it's not open.
Can't stop today but thanks re asking about the sound QW . I was the one that reported it originally. Richard replied on main blog and asked us to be patient and not keep ''hounding'' (my word) them. But I think enough time has gone by to ask the question again, so thank you. Dashing... will have to catch up later
Good morning all and thanks to Robert the Bruce, Cirrus ( where would I send an email if I ask the question about the sound), Kate 2, DjoanS lovely pc of both on guard, Pharazon and Sheila FE and good morning to quietwoman and I have wondered about Richard, not many blogs from his this year. Looks a bit overcast at LG today and poor EJ sitting with the frost on her back again. Think there is goling to be some rain, apparently not too heavy so hopefully that will be the case.
Late morning but have now logged on and thanks for the early posts and pics. Thanks to RtB for starting us off today.
Yes, weather is looking decidedly cloudy up there , much the same down here, maybe we are if for some longed for rain to refresh the gardens etc.
EJ sitting and looking around - is Odin going to come in with brunch or what!!!
RSPB Giving Nature a Home
That's Odin - will catch up later . hello to you Lynette - did he bring lunch?
Well, surely something has been going on here whilst I've been away. Ob well.
It's looking a little damp at LG and so does EJ - just a little, and here she is .........
Cirrus perhaps EJ is enjoying a shower of rain after the heat she has been sitting in for the last couple of weeks. Just hope it will know when to stop and not carry on.