Morning/Evening all: All quiet. EJ appears to be snoozing.
Good morning all have not been able to log in since Saturday so have just been catching up with all the Daily Chats. Thanks to all for all the captures, fish deliveries and video clips, so nice to be able to see what I have missed. See the sun is still shining at LG and the early morning captures are just glorious. Msut have been quite hot for EJ and Odin over the weekend as it was here but today although still sunny there is a definite drop in temperature.
Had awful problems getting into the blogs that damn error message kept coming up. Off now to catch up on the Weekly Chat.
Missed the changeover, but EJ is back on the nest. The weather looks lovely there today, unlike down here with chilly NE wind and grey skies. What a change a day makes!
Birdie's DU Summaries 2018
Just popped in ... to see Odin snoozing on the nest :-)) ... I wonder if he brought a fish?
Joan - avid bird and nature watcher in Northumberland!
Index Thread
Aftternoon DjoanS not sure if there has been a fish because like Odin I have been snoozing for a little while. Looks as though the sun is still shining at LG though.
Fish delivery from Odin from earlier EJ returning to take over
Thanks Gary needless to say I missed the fish delivery. Wish they could get the sound working again as I am usually alerted by EJ's calls.
so did I Margobird, I just looked back at the recording and picked it up:)
odin brings in another fish...
sorry for the crappy capture
that ej's wing as she takes off with it
Fish delivery ... couldn't get a pic in time :-( EJ couldn't get the fish off Odin's foot!
Pharazon - you did better than I did ... all I got was EJ as a blur, disappearing in the distance!