EJ is laying on her nest and looks like she is having contractions
She is facing the camera
EDIT While I was typing she turned around and is fussing with something under her . Her back is to the camera
I just saw it WE HAVE AN EGG !!
Formerly known as Barbara Jean
Cirrus : The bird with the tag was Red8T, one of Roy Dennis birds.
Have been reading on main blog the tagged bird is one of Ray Dennis and not LG offspring. wonderful programme Seemingly filmed in 2009
Hi everyone.Only just logged on a few minutes ago, after a quick look in for the first time today, around dinner time. Funnily enough an evening meal tastes much better when you've just seen news of the first LG Osprey egg of the season. :-)Truth is I felt a wee bit flat today. Now I feel utterly delighted. A massive congratulations to Odin and EJ.Thanks for all the fantastic updates, pics etc. Absolutely wonderful :-)I really enjoyed Chris Packham's programme this evening. Nature is always great to see on telly. It is impossible to ever tire of seeing Ospreys, and Loch Garten. Thanks for confirming who the bird with tag was, Alan.Night watching has just got more addictive :-)
Warning! This post contains atrocious spelling, and terrible grammar. Approach with extreme edginess.