Nest is empty; assume that bright patch is that clump of moss.
Hi Annette that is a nice idea I am sure they will appreciate a supportive comment from you instead of these sad people who want to spoil things for them and us.
Yes, she's taking a long time, isn't she Odin but no doubt you'll see her before I do
Just over an hour now, Odin has been waiting for EJ's return - and he hasn't done ANY housework !!
First chance I've had on looking in.
Thanks for all the updates and pics. EJ is standing on the nest, fighting the wind, and looking around her.
RSPB Giving Nature a Home
EJ been AWOL for quite a while now hope she comes back soon as Odin is searching the sky for her.
Odin just mated again one more to add to the number. I thought it was Odin that was on the nest alone was I wrong.
EJ has just returned but, sans fish ... Odin didn't mind , he had some nooky instead
I'm just like you Annette and others who have said they comment on the main blog just to lend support to the LG Team. It really does get quite childish at times.
Just learned that LotL has an egg, checked the camera and lo, she stood up and there it was.
Birdie's DU Summaries 2018
afternoon all
Caught the fish delivery a little earlier
Thanks Gary