Evening all: Been out most of the day; just sat down - phew. Off to check other threads; back in a bit!
OG well done for infecting some new people with ospreyitis!
Dibnlib hope the pain killers work quickly.
Tiger what a sweet cub picture.
Red Kite partoling the skies at the back of our house again. This one has raggy wing feathers so it must be moulting at the moment. It'll be interesting to see if it's one of the regular ones by checking it's wing from now on.
It's another fantastic day here again and we've got a bit done in the garden this morning. Much more to do though.
Sorry BRENDA just reread your post and feel a right twit. That serves me right for speed reading. Don't fancy Lindys chances if she goes in. Remember an extremely cold hotel pool in Toronto, really took my breath away. OH came along 5 mins later and I was going to tease him that it was lovely and warm then thought better of it so that he did know what to expect.
Afternoon all,
Another fantastic day here with wall to wall sunshine after a chilly start. We went to Van Hage garden centre this morning for a wander round. Quite expensive there but lots of lovely things.
OG : Thanks for the pics of the Threave ospreys. Any 'live' pictures are always welcome no matter how far away. Nice pic of chaffinch and reed bunting also.
Everyone else thanks for the chat and eagle pics. Off to take Hamish for his walk soon.
Slow start this morning – slept (too) well after all that fresh air yesterday. Early soup lunch then into the garden, so now having coffee break. OH has clipped edges with edging shears, next will use strimmer by walls and in odd corners. I have reorganised seedlings in greenhouse and next will have to clean some pots whose contents have moved on.
Annette – good of you to tidy Daughter’s plants – must have been difficult for you to allow neglect of those apartment roses!
Lindy – was Buzz’s swim really in a lake, or a Cheshire mere?
Dibnlib – pleased to read that Dillon is a happier fellow after beginning his Metacalm. I hope the Glucosamine works for him – and you!
Tiger – I have that lovely picture of wee Faith as my desktop since I first saw it this morning! I don’t think you have posted a link re Black 80, although when I mentioned Threave on Thursday, I think you did say it was a Glaslyn bird.
I hope everyone is enjoying gardening, walks etc on such a nice day. Must get back to the garden myself!
Ospreys Rule OK, but Goldfinches come a close second!
bought a pressure washer yesterday and what a difference it has made to the fence and the garden ornaments. should have bought one years ago. Also put out the swing seat, garden table and chairs, so sorry everyone stand by for cooler weather and rain.
Poor OH has rotten cold with painful sinus and his eyes have just started to stream which he always gets with a cold. Makes driving very difficult. would have liked to go to The Dairy for carvery lunch today but he just wasn't fit enough.
Sorry to disappoint, but Buzz went into the lake (Tatton Mere) on his own! It certainly didn't put off a few other dogs who were there, and jumping in for sticks, too. An absolutely beautiful day here, and the Park was very busy already - when we left at about 11.30am , the cars were queuing up to get in!
Had a sandwich for lunch, then sat in loungers in the garden, as if there was nothing to do - but as OH said, the weather is not so promising for the rest of the week & it may be some time before we can do that again.... I fell asleep for half an hour & was woken by my newspaper rolling across the lawn in pieces.
dibnlib - Sorry to hear that your OH is suffering with the sinuses. Hope he can improve.
I shall be late coming on here tomorrow morning, with the Monday Smile, as I have an early appointment to keep - tell you about it later...
Morning all: Wonderful that you're all (well, mostly all) enjoying great garden weather.
OG: Lovely pix! Nice to see the face behind Radio Chaffinch. :-)
Brenda: Can't stand to see a neglected garden; speaking of which, there's a house down the road where brave roses have broken through a crack in the fence onto the sidewalk where they're surrounded by sky-high weeds. May have to go "rose rustling." (The city has posted a notice for the owner to clean up that particular property - a real eyesore.)
dibnlib: Cod liver oil? My Mom used to dose us with that when I was young. Yuk! But good that Dillon is feeling better.
Tiger: Speaking of bears, a BMW had a too close encounter with one in the hills behind us the other day. Unfortunately, the bear died before the Fish & Wildlife folks could get there. Interestingly, the carcass of the bear was delivered to a Chumash Holy Man. The Chumash is our local Indian tribe - a "sovereign nation" in the eyes of the U.S. Government and the bear plays a powerful role in Indian culture.
dibnlib: Sympathies for missing The Dairy lunch today; hope OH improves quickly.
Lindybird: Isn't it wonderful to nap in the sunshine?
I'm only at the beginning of the day and have piles of stuff on my desk to clean up, but plan to be home all day and am sure I'll make it into the garden later.
Hi folks, looking in for first time today. Been trying to assemble furniture and not doing too badly. Made up a storage unt, helped dau. with her new computer desk, and she is now trying to assemble a new media unit - probably have to help her soon.
Went into town shopping yesterday for the units, OH gone to see Saints at Milton Keynes - I understand they have won so go through to the semi-finals of the Heineken Cup now.
OH off for a scan re kidneys tomorrow so we may get to know more of what is happening in due course.
Lady looks resplendant on the nest and EJ is busy calling at LG. Lovely sunny late afternoon.
Keep well everyone and for those feeling under the weather hope you are feeling better soon.
RSPB Giving Nature a Home
Afternoon all ... not been around much today ... two lots of visitors this morning and then gardening this afternoon! Another glorious day here, just like the rest of the country I think. OH decided the patio needed sorting out ... so he did the work ... and I supervised and wielded the brush :-)) Looks much better now. I can't believe how much growth there has been in the last few warm days .... the acer has leaves, whereas a few days ago there were just tiny red buds.
Not much time for individual replies, but I remember a gorgeous picture of the Thunderdog!
OG - yet more fabulous photographs ... that singing chaffinch is beautiful. I was thrilled to see a chaffinch in the garden this afternoon ... first time ever, although I have seen them flying around the neighbourhood. Lovely ospreys too, can't have too many pics of them! I hope everything works out well for your son and his new job.
Linda - hope you enjoyed your walk ... and Buzz enjoyed his swim! EDIT - just read that you did enjoy yourselves! I did smile at the thought of you joining Buzz in the water.
dibnlib - sorry to hear your OH has a cold ... and that it spoiled your lunch plans ... I hope it doesn't last too long.
Must go and sort something for dinner later .... been living on salads etc in this hot weather, but I think something more substantial is needed now!
Take care.
Joan - avid bird and nature watcher in Northumberland!
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