Weekly Chat, Sunday April 10, 2011

  • Annette I might have found an answer to my question about the demise of sea otters:  http://www.wired.com/wiredscience/2010/08/sea-otter-decline/  How sad, they are such cute animals, as indeed are those found in the UK. 

    I believe their (UK) numbers have increased as waterways become cleaner and efforts are made to create artificial holts.  We often see them on our holidays in Scotland.  Indeed in one cottage which was right down on the shore of Loch Broom, and each night at dusk one would come thru the garden!!  Beautiful.  In another cottage in a similar area we even had a pine marten which came to eat 'jam sandwiches' again at dusk! 

    Birdie's DU Summaries 2018   https://www.imagicat.com/

  • Morning margobird, Bobbie is doing fine still bitting she is nearly paper trained just have a couple of accidents with her a day now so hopfuly that will go to none soon than can train her to go outside have been trying to get her to go but all she wants to do is run around and play once we can take her out for a walk she will then maybe know that she has to go outside to go to the loo still early days yet she was 10 weeks yesterday she has her last injection next saturday then a week after that i can take her out for her first walk

  • Eternal youth, well that would avoid the increasing facial lines, the grey hairs and the aches and pains certainly.  But somehow I feel age have given me more confidence.  After all, why should I really worry about what others think of me as long as I know my conscience is clear!

    Sorry to hear that not only George, but BrendaH are feeling under the weather.  I hope you will both soon feel much better.  Spring is such an uplifting time of year.

    I hope you, Diane, did not have too wet and windy night, and hunkered down well!  Did you leave the garage/barn door open for your critters?!!

    Diane and Lynette thanks for your sympathies.  I will be fine I'm sure.  There are many of you out there suffering far more than I.  I have endured back/nerve etc pain for more than 23 years now, and know that it just takes time to get over them.  Fortunately I am sure it is not arthritis, just very tight muscles which seem to have a side effect in this case.  Usually it is caused by bending and problems in the lower back.  I think I am not subtle enough for yoga these days.  I used to be able to touch my toes, indeed palms of hands on the floor, with no problem, but not these day!  Be lucky if I can get to my shin!

    Margo I ordered the Lady book way back in the summer and received it a week or two ago, via Amazon.  Two weeks earlier than expected and cheaper than the cost shown at the time!  I haven't started reading it yet though.

    EJ has just returned, and Odin flies off.

    Birdie's DU Summaries 2018   https://www.imagicat.com/

  • ALICAT thanks for that sounds as though Bobbie is doing well fur just 10 weeks.  It will be good when you can take her out for walks.  When you have time it would be good to see another photo to see how she is changing. 


  • margobird said:

    ALICAT thanks for that sounds as though Bobbie is doing well fur just 10 weeks.  It will be good when you can take her out for walks.  When you have time it would be good to see another photo to see how she is changing. 

    margobird have some on camera will upload them this afternoon to computer then will post some for you haven't been putting any more on thought you might be sick of seeing my dog pictures

  • ALIcAT look forward to that, will never get tired of seeing your pics.


  • Afternoon all - just been having a quick read of the posts ... I've beeen really busy this morning :-(

    Alicat - glad to hear you will soon be able to take Bobbie out for walks ... I'm sure she will love that! Looking forward to seeing your pics of her.

    Diane - I hope your storms are not too bad. Definitely no barn owls nesting in the BOT box this year :-(

    Thanks to everyone else for chat etc ... I do enjoy reading it all!

    There was an article in the Daily Mail today about Lady at LOTL ... extracts from Helen Armitage's book http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-1377436/Britains-oldest-osprey-Lady-settled-Highland-roost-21st-time.html

    I read on the Bird Guides site this morning that there has been a white -tailed eagle seen just 15 miles north of me a couple of days ago ... wonderful!

    Must go and keep busy while the mood takes me ... its amazing what a bit of sunshine does!!

    Take care.

    Joan - avid bird and nature watcher in Northumberland!

    Index Thread


  • As promised pics of Bobbie

    this one taken a few mins ago


    and this is taken during the week


     this one isn't very good OH took this of Bobbie sat on my shoulder tuesday or wednesday this week

  • She's adorable, Alicat!

  • Alicat Bobbie has obviously settled in well with you and your OH!

    I have just come across this interesting link.  http://www.rspb.org.uk/events/details.aspx?id=tcm:9-276363  I assume its 2011.  Roy Dennis at Boat of Garten 2 and 30 May - not when I'm there of course!

    Birdie's DU Summaries 2018   https://www.imagicat.com/