Weekly Chat, Sunday April 10, 2011

Evening all: Been out most of the day; just sat down - phew.  Off to check other threads; back in a bit!

  • I just came on for a quick read ... and found the news about Jason ... so sad. Cold and windy here.

    Too much to reply to, but Linda - beautiful tree pics from you ... and how Sweetpea has grown .... such a charmer!

    Back later ...take care.

    Joan - avid bird and nature watcher in Northumberland!

    Index Thread


  • OG I have just checked XCweather for Monday, when I think you said you were going to LG - sunshine all day with a max of 14 at Boat of Garten!!  Enjoy yourself!

    Birdie's DU Summaries 2018   https://www.imagicat.com/

  • Sadly the baby bear Jason is dead. He died yesterday. There is however this wonderful video of his sibling. See  Lily, Faith and Hope.

  • JSB  ''The robin must have been really hungry or has young to feed, perhaps sensing that a human was on hand to protect it, hopped back onto the back of my hand and self service was again provided by the open tin, despite the cat, just behind me.  ''

    How wonderful .....  Oh, I wish I'd been with you to see it JSB.  Just super !!

  • Tiger  thanks for the link to the video of Lily, Faith and Hope.  I really feel upset aoout Jason, all seemed to going so well.  Maybe Jason just wasn't getting fed enough but no doubt the autopsy will reveal what the problem was.  Faith always seemed more feisty and had been able to keep up when Lily left the den when it became flooded.   Have to accept that it is nature and sometimes cruel.


  • Loved jsb 's story of the Robin.   I watched the last series of Birds Brittania and it was excellent - didn't realise that this was a new series.

    Went out to Garden Centre to buy (finally) OH's birthday present - we came home with a pear tree and a cherry tree. He has now gone off to plant them right away.

    We have had a lot of Goldfinches in the garden in the last few days, they seem to love the nyger feeder now.  We had none at all until last year, when I bought the feeder & filled it up with seed.  However, they do take an interest in our other feeders from time to time.

    I was reading the Osprey Blog comments only this morning, and very glad that it doesn't happen on here. I find it so sad that just a couple of people can spoil the pleasure of many.

  • Morning all: Sad news about Lily's cub; must confess am restricting my cam watching to LG mostly (and then reduced from last year since so much going on right now).  See that EJ finally showed up - but what is that haystack doing on the nest?

    Sheila: Thanks for the heads up on the Nat. Geo. airing of The Bear Family program...

    Lindybird: Garden is gorgeous - what a treat for you (and us). What a sweet smile from Sweetpea! I was talking to my granddaughter last night and heard Delightful Delilah gurgling in the background - I went into instant "baby" voice I'm afraid. Thank heaven researchers have found there's a very good reason for that!

    Wendy: Had to laugh at you organizing your OCD woodpile;  I like to "stack" the cottage cheese, milk, etc, in the refrigerator, "rotation-style" by "use by" date. OH just plonks them in and often on the wrong shelves. Horrors!  :-))

    jsb: Wish I'd seen the Robin too. Doubt we'll get that program here.

    And off to start another day; take care all.

  • Lindybird pleased OH trees are sorted.  Promsed rain has just arrived and have been trying to entice Billy into the conservatory so he can keep dry.  He came in but not too certain about it so has gone to sit under the garden table. 


  • I see that LotL has a new egg.

    Birdie's DU Summaries 2018   https://www.imagicat.com/

  • Wendyb that cottage looks perfect for renovation.  If I show OH he'd suggest we move up there (our dream) and live in a caravan whilst renovating it!  Where ever it is it looks idyllic.

    Alan devastating news about Jason.  I watched them a lot when in the den, not so much since the osps have returned.  I wonder what went wrong.  The pic someone posted a link too the other day did look like he had a very large head for body size.  Poor little thing.