All quiet on the LG nest, as Odin and EJ roost close by.
Oops sorry got the date wrong.
Warning! This post contains atrocious spelling, and terrible grammar. Approach with extreme edginess.
EJ and Radio Chaffinch trying to out-do each other. It is a bit difficult to tell in the changing light, but has the dried grass moved to the right, and the large stick to the left a tad?
Birdie's DU Summaries 2018
Looking in for the first time today, thanks for all the posts and pics
Nest was empty when I first looked but EJ has returned and is calling loudly to Odin. Wind seems to have got up again but sunshine is prevalent. Gazing out to her domain!
RSPB Giving Nature a Home
EJ is really screeching away for Odin to come
Thanks to all for posts and pics ... great to find out what has been happening while I've been busy all day. Sounds windy again at LG ... EJ chirping for Odin in the sunshine ... a lovely scene!
Joan - avid bird and nature watcher in Northumberland!
Index Thread
Odin has just brought in a headless fish, with an exchange of chirrups, before EJ flies off with it. She has just flown passed the back of the nest again, and Odin cleans his beak on the edge of the nest we cannot see. A bit of furniture moving.
Oh, it looks as though he has moved that bit of grass again already! Now pecking at it.
EJ's persistence paid off, Odin has arrived with a fish - EJ flies off for a feed and Odin begins to do some furniture arranging.
It seems nearly every time I check the nest either EJ or Odin are moving the clump of grass again LOL
Odin is moving it from one side to the other right now . He is also still trying to move the log on the left . I think it took roots
Formerly known as Barbara Jean
I could do with a man like him - more housework and digging to Australia. Now having another go at the large stick.
afternoon all
Managed to catch the fish delivery. They are so sweet together:)
Hi everyone.
Thanks for all the brilliant updates, pics, and links :-)
Odin having a serious battle with that big stick. Of course big sticks have their place but Ospreys are better. I'm cheering for Odin.
Now EJ's arrived. What a team! :-)