Morning/evening/whatever/wherever all:
Take a look at the last couple of pages of yesterday's DU thread to see pix of someone peeking over edge of nest.
Odin and EJ seem to be sharing that brown trout. Odin has just returned with part of it and EJ flew off with it! How sweet.
Birdie's DU Summaries 2018
Everytime EJ tried to move a clump of moss it blew back at her.
Odin has just flown in with rest of fish. EJ has taken it from him and flown off to eat it.
getting the fish off Odin before flying off.
RSPB Giving Nature a Home
Better captures than me, Woodpecker. You managed to snap with the trout in her mouth - great!
Not sure who think it was Odin was trying to move the haystack into place but the wind get blowing it back to its original place. Think EJ has just gone off with a bit of fish. Bit of beak sharpening going on and now Now moving the haystack around again. Can see it is Odin now he has turned around. Oh how I love watching these ospreys.
Good captures Woodpecker & Lynette. That clump of dried grass is being somewhat problematic. EJ puts it neatly where she wants it, and while she is away eating her fish Odin decides its in the wrong place - and then the wind picked it up and he looked surprised!
Thanks for the fish report Margo - that was good to read. Great pics Lynette and Woodpecker - thanks for posting those. And thanks to all who posted (Sheila )
Oh the wind is AWFUL - I'm afraid for them. EJ brought some fish back and Odin took it and flew off with it.
Odin looking around could hear EJ chirping away - then back she came. Odin has now flown off.
Said I was going a while ago but really must now but it is such compulsive viewing. How nice to see them sharing fish. What a great couple they are with a bond that is so strong. Thanks to all for the pics and commentary, see you tomorrow.
Morning all:Barbara Jean: Nice to see you again - hope you had a good winter.
Gotta go; no time to watch today...