Weekly Chat, Sunday April 3 2011

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  • Just lost LG again, but Decorah is running beautifully!  Wonder why?

    Feathers and head

    Birdie's DU Summaries 2018   https://www.imagicat.com/

  • Hi folks Just a brief visit as Sundays tend to be busy.

    Lynette So sorry that your OH has had to be hospitalised.  Hope they will quickly get to the bottom of his problem and clear things up.  It's always such a worry when loved ones aren't in top form

    Sister and B-i-l have to take their older labrador to the vet again tomorrow.  She has cancer of the lining of an anal gland, which has grown and spread.  It seems very much as though the time is here to let her go but they'll have the vet come to the house.  It's just 11 months since their previous girl had to go and they will be very distressed.

    Happy osprey watching, all.

  • Thanks for the hugs.

    He is feeling a lot better but they have still not got to the bottom of what is wrong.  Goes for a full liver scan tomorrow and they think his liver has an abnormal area. We wait and see, thats all that can be.

    Super capture at Decorah of the head feathers.

    Just caught up with all your news.


  • All credit to SheilaFE for feather capture.

    TerryM glad your Whinnlatter induction went well and that you met everyone who will be volunteering this year.

    Trish2 - what an ordeal for you re the dog - he obviously felt very lonely when you left him alone. Lets hope that the owner turns up. It might just be that the original owner dumped him but lets hope not.

  • Went to church this morning, including coffee etc after because it was all-age service.  Been in garden all afternoon – OH scarified front lawn and I continued with various little jobs.  He’s now washing up, but told me to sit down because my back and legs are hurting.  We hope to sow peas tomorrow, but some rain is forecast.


    Good to see EJ and Lady Marge each with her male in attendance on Mothering Sunday!  I don’t often just sit and watch, but I do keep popping in to see what is happening.  Caerlaverock female is still waiting.  Alan – how did you get notification from Wigtown?  I signed up for alerts, and am recognised on their page, yet have received nothing – apart from daily email confirmation that I am signed up!  I emailed their contact address to enquire over a week ago, but have no reply – I even checked my spam folder!


    Been having trouble getting on here today – couldn’t find any way in before church, yet straight there at lunchtime and earlier this evening. Just had another refusal, so trying through RSPB main page link to Community … got to Reserves list, but can’t connect with LG Ospreys although I was there 30 minutes ago!  Will leave this open and try again …… got onto my profile page …thus onto last night’s chat!


    Heron – pleased you caught Odin’s arrival after all those misses last year!

    Annette – belated thanks for starting the new week.  (Connection successfully moved on form previous week now).  Sorry about Grandson – sounds like it would have been better to have him on home visits from day one!  At least he got lunch out of yesterday’s trip to the clinic!  Pleased you got your Heuchera.  Most of mine are dark leaved with coral, pink or red flowers(names lost in the mists of time) but I also have “Marmalade” for leaf contrast (Yellowy-orangy-browny coloured leaf) – thought about getting “Lime Marmalade” at the show last year but OH talked me out of it!

    Lindy – not an easy visit for you yesterday, but pleased you were there when her Neighbour’s Sister called round.  I am sure today’s visit to Thomasz made up for yesterday’s sadness.  Another lovely poem!

    Lynette – sorry your OH had to be admitted, but sounds like he is in the right place – and maybe his admission will bring the scan forward so he gets a diagnosis, which I hope and pray will not be anything too serious.  … later … I see that he is scheduled a liver scan tomorrow, will be prayerfully thinking of you both.

    Sheila – I suppose poor broadband is a downside of living in the country – but I would say your local wildlife (with added Alpacas!) is adequate compensation!  I hope your downpour-come-drizzle was enough to help the garden.  Before recent rain, we had to water some plants, and the combination of wind and sun has been drying things again over the weekend.

    Auntie – looked at your local cam – at least the snow isn’t on the actual nest!  Hope spring will soon arrive for you.

    Trish – Good that you could rescue the stray Dog, with Mia being away - will you be told if he is claimed or will be rehomed?

    Terry – sounds like your 2011 Osprey experience has already begun for you – no wonder you are getting excited!  Did you see that one was seen at Talkin Tarn today – don’t know if it fished or was just a fly-over.

    Patricia – sorry about your Sister’s Labrador – do they have a younger one too?  I hope that you will have an easier time this week, and that your OH is responding to the antibiotics.


    Well, eventually caught up!  Tomorrow will depend on the weather.

    Ospreys Rule OK, but Goldfinches come a close second!

  • Not sure if anyone has posted this but it is the hatching of the Decorah Eagles.

  • Lynette - Sorry to read about your OH.

    I knew it! Of course the boys (Odin & Laird) would return while I was away. I had a great weekend and will show a few pics when I get time.

  • Evening all:  Haven't been able to figure out where the heck the hummingbird nectar has been disappearing the last week and today spied our summer visitors - oriels - slurping it up!  No idea how they do it since the feeders are designed for hummingbird beaks; I think they just swing back and forth until it slops out.  Also, saw what I think is a Lesser Goldfinch at the regular feeder today - a first!  (No idea why it's called "lesser" - looked pretty special to me.)   Of course, camera is always in the wrong place when these visitors show up.

    Sheila: Hope you have some more success with the LG cam. I'm sure you can file that clip. Never get used to seeing the detail on the Decorah cam.

    Lindybird: Didn't mention last time but loved that poem!

    TerryM: Congrats on your volunteer gig. You have to "enthuse" people? Your enthusiasm is contagious, even at this distance! :-)

    OG: Spent some time in my garden today too. Love the sound of the Marmalade heuchera!

    patriciat: Oh dear, another dog not doing well; not happy news.

    Tiger: Thanks for link to Decorah hatching.

    Trish2: Will you know if anyone claims the (lucky) dog you rescued?

    Lynette: Hope that your OH continues to feel better and that they get him sorted out soon.

    AQ: Welcome back! Two busy days with lots of smiles at LG and LOTL (and here of course).



  • Morning Everyone:    Lots to read, above - but first here is today's Monday Smile:


    --- giving a new meaning to the term "bucket seat!!!!"

  • OG and Annette  I will phone up to see if he was claimed.  I need to know what happens to him.

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