Evening all - well it's 5:30 p.m. here. I have to go out for a few hours tonight so am kicking things off now.
Cirrus: Your last entry on the previous update asked about supper for the birds. Someone else on Facebook asked but there's no record of one.
Back in a bit.
Intruder warning
Gary, isn't this just WONDERFUL. Thanks SO MUCH cam man
Just cos there is no rewind button - oh so precious Mallachie
wonderful Jane and thanks. You seem to get closer than me on the pictures.
Djoan, well that is a good incentive to do exercise and with things winding down around the nest it will be a good time to start.
For those logging on this evening, all of the recent above are of our most beloved Mallachie :) :)
It's definitely Mallachie :
Morning all.
CIRRUS: Are you Janeallsport (??) from pre-redesigned blog who used to fret about Garten the chick?
I deny that Annette. And how dare you blow my cover. :)