Well, this could be quite optimistic on my part, because all I can see on the LG video is a bright blue screen - it was okay until about two minutes ago. Was there a thunderstorm in the area because I thought I saw a flash a moment or so before it went?
Nope I am still up. Monday when EJ was acting different we thought she was saying her Goodbye's. What she knew and we didn't , was she knew Rothes was missing. This must be so hard on her. She was supposed to leave first. It is heartbreaking to watch her save fish and wait for Rothes. She has had so many hardships in her life. Yet inspite of it all she is a fantastic mother
Formerly known as Barbara Jean
I agree, Barbara Jean, she as been a fantastic mother to her brood hasn't she. I got a huge lump in my throat when I logged on to see the empty nest this morning. I was lucky enough to visit a fortnight ago when they were all still home. I know it's nature doing what nature does, but I cannae help attaching human emotions to the story as it unfolds.
EJ is on and off the nest this morning. Currently ON...
You've got to wonder what she's thinking....
Make the most of today because, unlike Sky+, there isn't a rewind button.
EJ delivered a fish Garten took it and then both started alarm calling. EJ flew off maybe to chase the intruder It must be Mallachie ( I can't see the anntena she is behind Garten) came to the nest to help defend it and the fish. WAIT it looks like Odin came to defend the nest with Garten. Now Garten flew off with the fish and Odin is left alone on the nest. Now he is rearranging branches on the nest . Now he is laying down and digging a nest cup !! What is he thinking? Hey Odin This is Autumn not Spring,! Now he is just standing on the nest searching the sky. Is he going to take turns with EJ waiting for Rothes? He finally flew away
Two on the nest at 8.55 - I can't see antenna on either so am guessing Garten and EJ. Does anyone think one of them might be Odin? Garten? tucking into a medium sized fish but I missed the delivery. The other bird could be Odin I think - quite a lot of white on the head.
EJ has been on the nest for quite a while food soliciting. Garten has a fish ,but only taking a bite now and then. Garten is finally eating her fish while EJ calls Odin for more . He must be confused since it has been more than a month since EJ called him to bring "her" food. She seems determined to stay on the nest. Mallachie has not shown up to eat .
The bird on the nest now is EJ. But Odin was on the nest a while ago acting like it was Spring. He was arranging branches and digging a nest cup.
Mallachie still noshing and EJ waiting patiently
Two on the nest at the moment think one is EJ, anybody else like me and woke up this morning wondering how Rothes is,
its like when my son went off to Canada, I know that sounds silly, and theres only you on here that understands that, I told my Hubby last night that Rothes had gone, and I dont think he even answered me, probably thinking what is she on.
The more you rush, the longer it takes
And then there were three! Mallachie is definitely there now (+ aerial) but think it was Garten eating earlier. EJ looking on still - maybe wondering 'should I stay or should I go?'