Article in the Courier:
Please would someone remind me when The Laird arrived last year. Thanks.
Unknown said: Please would someone remind me when The Laird arrived last year. Thanks.
It was 4th April
Thanks Waddowl for that info. No cam on/available right now.
Annette, I can see LotL's cam fine, Marge half awake on the nest right now
my photos in flickr
Auntie: Got LOTL cam now - and can see Lady, with her back to us. Do hope the Laird shows up soon.
There was an other osprey at nest (male I think) Marge was mantling a bit but didn't actually chase him off
08.17 - Lady mating with the other osprey - I can't identify him owing to the picture. Hope it's the Laird back.
Another osprey just flew in and mated - is it the Laird???? Straight off again, so no chance to check for rings.
Rachel - and MATED - really really ??????
At least 3 times in last 20 minutes! Wildlife Village folks are saying he has a green ring...