Weekly Chat, Sunday February 27, 2011

  • Good afternoon Trish 2 hope you have a lovely walk in the sun with Mia.  Billy is around much more when the sun is out, has several favourite place where he likes to bask.  It has been very cold for the last few nights so he is enjoying the warmth in the day.  Lots of communiction between us today, best day so far.


  • OG : Petition signed.

    Margo : The sun has finally come out this afternoon and it is amazing what a difference it makes. I have just taken Hamish and Lady P for a nice walk and then I actually was inspired to cut the front lawn. Not done the back yet as it is still a bit damp. Lady P is on tablets for her BP. Back to the doctors in a couple of weeks to get it checked.

    Here is a pic of the 2 eggs at the Lake Barkley ospreys nest. It turns out that they belong to a GHO which has been incubating them although I have not seen it yet. The ospreys will have to find a new nest when they return.

  • Wow Alan  a lawn cut already, our lawns are all still too wet so hopefully if this weather continues we will be able to do it when we come back from Italy.  The ospreys are going to be a bit miffed now that a GHO has taken up residence and laid eggs.


    Lynette  it is a great feeling when all HW is completed.  Thanks for the captures, love the warthogs.


  • Good pic of Aria with the 3 eggs:

  • Alan that's an amazing picture.  I was wondering if I may be able to cut the grass this w/e.  Like you though the back will probably be too wet, I'll have to see.

    Lovely walk, the birds were so noisy.  There was a Skylark too but I didn't actually see it.  I think my eyes were in a state of shock staring up in to a bright BLUE  sky!

  • Morning all: Going to take the day off to goof around town, visit local consignment store, putter in garden centers, and try to find walking shoes that might just fit!

    Diane: The local online newspaper had an ad asking for volunteers to monitor the condor nests, but they're waaaay out in the boonies with zero facilities; you have to take a tent and hike miles to get there. 'Fraid I'll have to stick to whales and roses.

    OG: Glad to hear you slept better and hope the steroid shot will take care of things. Garden is still good; things are growing, but we've had so much rain that I'm worried about the Satsuma tree we put in; it's looking pale. Our prima donna (primo donno?) landscaper has been a pain in the tuckus once again - can't be bothered to go into it but really, the most petulant adult I've met in eons. Have signed the bear petition.

    Margobird: Do hope family members do as well as possible with their various ailments and that your sister doesn't tire herself out with the visit to Oxted. How wonderful that Billy Whizz and you are finally talking to each other!

    Lynette: Nice pix; good the housework done (but only for the day?)

    Alan: That's a great shot of Aria.

    Trish: Hope that blue sky sticks around for a long time.

    OK, off to goof off for the day! Take care all. :-)

  • "Hello Everybody Peeps" as Manuel would have said. Have been lurking on the sidelines reading..boy everybody has been busy.

    Have duly signed Bear petition.

    Winced at Diane's needlework, my sewing skills are nil so it would had to have been office staples for me or as a very last resort superglue.

    We have had some lovely weather up here in the highlands although today started with a sunny promise but sunk to a chilly afternoon. I am envious of peoples sightings of daffs  or even the first sighting of Alan's lawn mower. My daff greenery is only about an inch above ground...spring is always later up here but when it comes it comes in about a week. The explosion of green in such a short space of time is stunning.

    Margo forward planning for  your holiday sounds like my sort of a plan. I have already started putting things together for my road trip down. Mainly things that my girls have left behind on previous trips e.g. camping stove, tent and at special request gardening equipment. Guess what I will be doing!!!! 

  • Good grief: Even more positive news about Finland: In a report about a study of sperm counts and chemicals present in the environment, the BBC reports a connection and notes: "Finnish men were studied as they have previously been shown to have some of the highest sperm counts in the world."  What next!?

  • Sheila (probably gone by now), re Bolero, no, I wasn’t wearing a red scarf, and I wasn’t playing flute. At 3:34 to 3:45 I was on the left, in front of the pillar, next to concertina player, then 4:12 a headless shot. You can also see a quick glimpse at the beginning, about 20 seconds in, just after seeing the clock.

    Brenda, AQ, Diane, OG well spotted!  My OH is the tenor sax man in the flat cap!

    AQ, love the exercise program!

    OG, have signed the petition.

    Diane, I see we got Defenders of Wildlife to the top for the handout. Have you been voting for them?

    Annette, I wonder if auntie will have to get her dictionary out re your comment on Finnish men ;))


    Terry in Cumbria

  •  Hatch for Savannah and Derek at the Carolina Raptor Centre:

    Just seen the GHO on the Lake Barkley nest so the ospreys have got a real problem there when they return.