Weekly Chat, Sunday February 27, 2011

  • Achieved all we planned to do today. Even managed to hang out the washing this morning for the first time in months. Still needed a short tumble dry to completely dry it all. Garden now looks so much better for some clearing and pruning, but grass is still far too wet to cut.

    AQ, Loved the Friday smiles. although I think I have had enough exercise for today.

    Diane, Thanks for the condor picture. Don't stay away too long. We will miss your posts.

    OG, When I brought the sheets indoors this afternoon, I found I had brought a ladybird in as well. Sorry that you still have pain from a chilblain. I winced when I read that one is now rubbing on your sock. I have signed the bears' petition. Thanks for pointing it out.

    Margo, If I decide to drive down to Poole, I presume I just listen out for a lady who stands in her garden miowing and then I will know I have found you.     I am so glad you are making such progress with Billy.
    I think I can understand your sister wanting to go and visit friends. I remember our neighbour thanking me for talking about other things, rather than his cancer. He said that it sounded ungrateful but he was 'fed up' with people asking him, how he was, when they knew he was dying. He didn't declare it to his insurance and took the chance and went on a cruise. His wife was terrified. I hope she doesn't find  the journey too exhausting and is able to enjoy herself. 

    Alan, Brilliant capture of Aria with her three eggs.

    Annette, A juvenile 45' bull, sperm whale was found dead on the Kent coast. It was thought that it had taken the wrong turning from the tip of Scotland. When found, it was thought to have died only a couple of hours previously. They were performing a post mortem, starting this afternoon.
    Hope you are enjoying goofing around town.

  • Alan, Just been reading about GH Owls. It says that they usually take over hawk or heron nests. Think they are going to have to update their information. The ospreys are in for a shock.

    Re Finland. I was watching QI on BBC and one of the pieces of information I heard was that, once a week they have a five minute news programme in Latin. It seems there are more people from Finland who understand Latin than people from countries outside of Finland, who speak Finnish.

  • Its been a lot better day down here too, managed to sit in the conservatory for lunch - can watch the garden birds from there.

    Alan - what an amazing capture. Pardon my ignorance but what does GHO stand for??   Nest has the two eggs on and noone sitting on them at present. My it starts to go dark in places over there even if its only 4.30pm.   Too dark to take one of Mrs. Norfolk although managed one in the early morning sun this morning.

    One or two pics coming up. There was an osprey on the Panama City cam but sunlight was obscuring it.

    Two growing eaglets

  • Ah. Ah, just seen Brenda's post and referred to GH Owls.

  • Alan - ditto with your pic but taken just a few mins ago.    Done your front lawn already, my, my, putting us all to shame. Mind you our lawnmower decided at the end of last season to make the most horrible vibrating noise - still managed to cut the lawn but you had to hang on to it because of the vibration.  Dread to think what will happen when we start it up this time round!!!!!!!!! It was only a cheap one though as we seem to go through them like water.

  • Hi all,

    I have just joined the group and I am looking forward to the new season. I loved hearing about the ospreys from my friends.

  • Hi, Toots, welcome to the group.  The Ospreys will soon be here, and we are all looking forward to another exciting season with them.  On this chat thread, you will find we share our thoughts and news on all sorts of topics, and support one another through difficult times.  But what joins us all together is our love of Ospreys!

    Hello, Everyone, had a good afternoon and evening in Dumfries - details tomorrow as I must get to bed tonight.

    Ospreys Rule OK, but Goldfinches come a close second!

  • Morning all - and welcome, Toots.  You'll find that, in this group, we have a great interest in food, holidays and pets! (while the beloved ospreys are 'on holiday)'.  Hope you'll enjoy the chat.

    Off this morning with Fly, to an Obedience competition - don't know why I entered it, we haven't had a good result for a long time.  Fly is 10 and has arthritis in her forelegs, so isn't allowed to do agility, so the obedience gives her a chance to feel part of things.  'See' you all later.

  • Good Morning ALL.  Cloudy and cold this morning.

    Patriciat, Fly may surprise you this morning. I hope you both enjoy yourselves.

    Toot, Welcome to  the group. Thought you may like to see our countdown clock for the return of EJ, so follow this link, http://home.roadrunner.com/~cc/share/birds/EJ2011.html

  • Welcome Toots.  I hope your friends have warned you that you will soon become addicted - and the season hasn't even started yet.....

    Patriciat  I hope the obedience goes well. I'm sure Fly will enjoy herself being a BC.  I bet she'll do well.  OH did really well last night in Mia's class!!