Weekly Chat, Sunday February 27, 2011

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  • Hi, all. Glad to "see" everyone!!! Seriously.

    The last 24 hours have been crazy! I should include a WHINGE ALERT here. You may want to stop reading now. LOLOLOL

    I've developed an ear infection, which made me dizzy and disoriented, as well as mean and grouchy, yesterday. I put medicine in my ear and went to sit in the garden. The evening was warm, so all the snow and ice had melted, and the birds were happily chirping. I saw the red-tailed hawk, as well as a beautiful blue jay. I'm very pleased to see the jay population returning here, so that pulled me out of the doldrums.

    I came back indoors to take my blood pressure meds. I was cutting a pill in half and cut my left hand deeply. I took a big slice out beneath the thumb and forefinger. I couldn't get it to stop bleeding. I found my little medical kit, disinfected the wound, and put two stitches in my hand. I turned the air a deep blue during that procedure!!!

    I decided to retreat to my bed and watch the Oscars. Just before they announced the best picture, a thunderstorm moved in, knocking out my TV satellite signal. In grumpy frustration, I went to sleep. Two hours later, I was awakened by the shrieking of the local tornado sirens. Rollicking thunderstorm in progress. High wind pounding the windows. Lightening sizzling the air. So I waited out the storm.

    At 4:30 AM, I turned on the TV to see whether the news folks were reporting any damage. They said that my area received 4 inches of rain -- on top of the snow and ice melt! With a sinking stomach, I opened my back door, and I could hear my creek/burn. It had turned into a raging river. The water had spilled over the banks and was rushing through my back garden, carrying big tree branches and debris. The sound was deafening. I didn't want to go walking around back there in the dark, so I had to wait until dawn to see how close it was to the house. It was a nerve-wracking wait. Luckily, the water never threatened the house. It cut across the backyard and joined a huge overflow racing behind my garage toward the woods. Hope all the wildlife made it to higher ground. My garage was open, so I hope all the critters took shelter.

    I was very lucky. Three tornadoes struck in central Indiana last night, destroying some homes and damaging many. Flooding occurred throughout this part of the state. They had to call in water rescue crews in the city of Indianapolis because they had record flooding there.

    Anyway, that's my story. I'll be back to catch up with everyone this evening. Sheesh, I hope my life settles down a bit!!!

  • Hi all: Saw six whales today!  Two were just approaching the point as I arrived for my shift; they took an hour to pass by - about a mile offshore.  Then, while I was scanning the horizon after they'd gone, was stunned to see four perfect blows, all in a neat row, way, way out. I've never seen four whales blow in unison; just amazing (oh dear, now I sound like an Oscar winner!). Anyway, when you track one set of whales, you have to always be aware that another group may be right behind them that you might be missing. It's not a problem when five or more volunteers are there, because we split the group, but there were only two of us plus Mike today, so we couldn't watch everything. Anyway, these four gave another few blows, then disappeared into a patch of ocean under the sun that was dazzlingly bright and we didn't see them again.

    Diane:  Oh no! Ear infections are awful. But OMG, you put stitches in your own hand? Hey, I see the makings of a potentially award-winning movie here (just don't amputate your finger yourself!). And OMG again! Your creek gone wild and, worst of all, no telly for the Oscars! (Just kidding on that last one.) Seriously, what a ghastly horrible day. I pay special attention to news about Indiana and they did mention the wild weather and tornadoes. Then I saw they had a 4.5 earthquake in Arkansas. Maybe you'd be better off here in California, sitting right next to the San Andreas Fault? Anyway, giant hugs heading your way tonight!

  • Thanks to all for the interesting screen captures and links! Congrats to everyone who wanted Colin Firth and The King's Speech to win.

    Joan: Welcome back! I'm glad you had a good trip. Thanks so much for the heads up about the barn owls. I so hope that the pair can successfully raise owlets to fledging this year.

    Lindy: I'm so happy that you had the exciting encounter with the fox. They are such compelling, beautiful animals. Funny Monday smiles. In case I forget to tell you, please have a GREAT time on your holiday. I hope the trip is just wonderful!!! Looking forward to photos, if you take some.

    Cirrus: Welcome back. I hope you can get your computer in working order before the ospreys return!
    AQ: Poor Jasper cat. I hope they can clearly identify the little fella's problem. That's sad.
    Terry: I would love to hear you play trombone. So glad that you now have a telescope to use. That would be so interesting.
    Alan: That was a glorious goldfinch photo! Love their red faces.
    dibnlib: Hope you are soon completely healed and totally stable on your feet while walking Dillon. Also hope you and Wendy have a nice lunch.
    Sheila: I sympathize with you about your farm track road. I hope you're able to get it into good shape. I live down a long driveway lane. It's gravel, but all of the stone has either sunk in or been thrown aside by the snow plough/plow, so it's turning to mud now. I must now have a truckload of new stone put on it. Very expensive. Dang it!

    OG: Glad you've got the greenhouse ready for action. You've been really busy. Hope you're not overdoing it. Hope the geraniums do well this year. My Mom loved those flowers because the hummingbirds would always come to them here. Thanks for the links about the Chilean aftershocks. Such a tragic story there. I admire the strength the people have shown while facing such horrific conditions and struggle. I shouldn't whinge about my life.

    Annette: Your day sounds blissful. So glad you saw 6 whales!!! Lovely to see 4 perfect blows all in a row. Hope that's an indication that the whale population is stable or growing. I was sad to read about the bottle-nosed dolphins in your area -- just one of many tragic results of the oil spill. Hope everything is going well for you. Have you been following the ongoing Wisconsin and Indiana statehouse sagas?

    I confess I did hate it when the telly went out last night! :-) Feels very isolated here when the satellite signal fails. I usually leave the TV on low all night. Stitches aren't difficult, just a little painful. If I'd gone to the hospital, the bill would've been huge. I didn't want to use any of the money that I'm hoping to spend on getting the house in shape. The creek went down this afternoon, so I'm luckier than many folks here. We never used to have much flooding here, but the climate is changing and it looks like I need to get prepared (first priority is to buy flood insurance). Maybe I will move to California. LOLOL More than once yesterday, I considered relocating somewhere. LOLOLOL

    Hi to Margo, Brenda, Lynette, Wendy, Heather, Paul, Gary, Trish, Alicat, George, and everyone!

  • Diane - Isn't bad luck supposed to come in "threes"? You've had more than your fair share. I'm sending positive thoughts plus blue skies your way. Lovely here today for first day of autumn - cool breeze, max of 22C. Bliss.

    Cirrus - Good to see you back. Brickbats to your computer for hindering your window to the world.

    Ta Ra!!!! This morn I removed the last of the wallpaper in the loungeroom. OH has finished scraping the gap 'tween wall & cornices, ready for filling. The gap is someone's stupid idea to allow for movement. Huh, it just allows debris & creepy critters to drop down from roof space.

  • Diane:   "Just a little painful"?  Oh my.  But glad the creek went down.

    AQ:  What's all this about the first day of Autumn?  Our first day of Spring isn't until March 20. Are we on a different equinox timetable or what?    Congrats on the wallpaper removal.  I had gaps where the walls met in the back bedroom of my Long Beach house.  Filling them with spackle prior to painting was a royal pain: the spackle would dry and fall into the crack and I'd have to slather on another layer really carefully so it stayed put when it dried.  I don't think it was anyone's idea of allowing for movement, although it was movement that caused them: The soil is very clay-ey and when it gets wet it expands; when it's dry it contracts, so many houses go up and down and back and forth with the seasons and after 80 or so years - well, you can imagine - then top it all off with some earthquakes and voila - a house where nothing is quite straight!  Still, with half the state sliding north and the other half staying put, what can you expect?

  • Diane.  You are AMAZING!. If I'd had the trauma you've had, I'd be a gibbering wreck.  Any one thing would have been bad enough, but such a catalogue of horrors.  Don't know how you stitched your own hand.  You are so brave.  Hope you have a much better day today.  No more storms, rain, snow or personal disasters.  Sending you love and healing thoughts.

  • Dry but misty morning – but looks set to clear.  Going to photographic exhibition at Art Centre later this morning, lunch there (memo to self: have a small plate this time!) then to Morrison and Tesco while in Dumfries.


    George – pleased you had some sunshine for walking in the Park – hope it shines on you and Diesel again today.  Spaniels do a lot of nose-work when in new places – always said our SpanielXCollies resembled vacuum cleaners quartering the ground nose down!  Glad family got on well with Diesel – have your Son and DiL met him yet?

    Lynette – usual thanks for your various captures.

    Diane – OOOOH dear, what are we going to do with you?!!!  I don’t really know what to say about your awful day – but pleased you survived to tell us about it!  That is not a whinge, it was a day which shouldn’t happen to anyone, especially a friend as nice as you.   Well, it was great that, despite the ear infection, you could enjoy time sitting in the garden with the various critters.  Cutting your hand wasn’t so clever, but full of admiration for your self-stitching, but do please watch out for any sign of infection.  Stormy night with tornadoes sounds horrendous, and flooding very scary.  So pleased you and your little house were safe, and that the creek eventually went back within its banks.  I hope you are sleeping peacefully right now, and will wake to a safe and happy day – take care and know we are thinking of you.

    I’m really not overdoing things; OH does so much of the routine stuff that I can rest between busy sessions.  Those Geraniums already look as if they are enjoying the extra root-space in the larger pots.  Planted Begonia tubers in hanging baskets yesterday – but need to keep them in the greenhouse a long time yet – this is when I wish we had a larger one, but I would probably fill it with even more plants!

    Annette – wonderful that you saw six whales, especially the four blowing in unison – nature is amazing!  (almost afraid to use that Oscar word now)

    AQ – so pleased you had a comfortable first day of autumn – hope it’s the first of many.  Good to hear lounge-room decorating preparation is progressing well now. 

    I wonder where Lindy is this morning – I thought she wasn’t going until tomorrow, but maybe I’ve got it wrong!  If you are still there, Lindy, have a wonderful relaxing and healing holiday!

    Ospreys Rule OK, but Goldfinches come a close second!

  • Morning all,

    Diane  : What an amazing day you had. Exciting in all the wrong ways and how you managed to stitch your own hand I cannot imagine. You deserve a medal for resourcefulness. I am glad the water has now subsided and hopefully things are back to normal.

    Annette : Wonderful seeing all those whales and 4 blows in a row must have been fantastic. It gives you a real buzz when you have a day like that watching wildlife.

    Thanks to everyone else for the news, pics etc.

    No such excitement here with the weather stuck in a cold and cloudy rut. Temp is 5c but feels much colder.

    Have a great St Davids Day.




  • Hello!    I'm still here!  -- but going, tomorrow.  Busy packing and doing all those annoying last minute things, now.  Also, Friend just coming round for a coffee in a minute.

    Another great Osprey pic on the Osprey Calendar, Alan.    Not got time yet to read what Diane has been up to, it sounds awful......

    Thanks for good wishes for my hols.

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