After Tiger started the thread for tracking Rothes and Mallachie I thought that we could do with a thread for the tracking of ospreys fitted with transmitters by Roy Dennis. As the "summer" marches on it won't be long before the only way we can get our osprey fix is to follow their migrations.
This year we have the opportunity of following all three tagged birds from last year: Nimrod, Beatrice and Morven. It will be fascinating to find out if they will winter in exactly the same place as last year, and also whether they take the same route.
Added to that Roy has tagged two more adult males this year, Red/white 8T (an Abernethy bird) and Morven's other half (Logie's ex fella). I'm not certain whether Roy has any further transmitters or will attempt to catch any more adult males but, including Rothes and Mallachie, we will be able to follow at least 7 ospreys on their incredible journeys this autumn.
Alan, If you remenber I was going on about Barouins with Xalbai. He told me where it was and at that time it was the closest by 16Km to Rothes' travels. However it would be tricky to establish a positive sighting from the data alone. As you may know the GE kml files contain the date/time of the fixes (going from memory from last year). So you would have to read the data, get the info which is in lat/longitude as well, it would require more keenness than I possess.
So that's my assessment, Barouins is the nearest sighting to her tracks.
ChloeB & Tiger's Osprey Data Site
Sat track schedule Spring 2014
LG 7 days; RW & SWT nil; LDOP varies
I think you are probably right all the sightings are just outside her range. The only thing is that GE is not up to date and if she has moved slightly out of her existing range one or two of yesterdays sightings could have been her although I think they would have noticed her aerial and noted it.
Alan, I have memorised Rothes' fixes, because like you I am waiting for a sighting. What I just thought of doing is to take a screen print of GE at Rothes location before it gets updated tonight, then do another afterwards, any significant changes should stand out. There is also the one minute past the hour, to one minute to the hour...issue, when she could be outside her recorded range.
Save image is better than screenprint in this case.....easier to magnify.
Juvenile unringed osprey photographed at etang de leon today:
Alan, This one sighted feeding, on Saturday, ringed on left leg, unreadable due to distance. Location: Vasiere de Belcenia in Pyrenees-Atlantique. (Deleted the copy and paste, as it was a mess!).
"en nourrissage porteur d'une bague muséum patte gauche illisible à cause de l'éloignement posé de 16 heure à 17h30 minimum."
Re Rothes. GE has no update yet.
Thanks Alan and JSB
Great photo!
Thanks Alan for the photo and what a good one.
Just a reminder that you shouldn't upload other people's photos, as we could get in trouble for breach of copyright. If you'd like to share a photo with the rest of the community, it's a better idea to paste in a link to it.
Thanks Katie. Good point. I would have uploaded a photo myself the other day only I didn't know how!
Was reading Roy's Blog and he has a wonderful story about an osprey he rescued the other day. He thinks it could even be Rothiemurchus' father as it was unringed and in the right area. Its now been ringed so hopefully if he successfully makes the migrations we should know next year. Worth a read. For those who don't have the link, here it is:
Just a thought, but this forum is now 9 or 10 pages long (can't check whilst typing this comment). I don't have a 'last page' facility on this particular site which means I have to jump through several pages before I get to the end. As there is a small lull in the migrations at the moment, would it be a good idea to start a new thread (is that the right term?) Maybe its just me and all you others have the 'last page' facility in which case I wouldn't want to interfere!