Weekly Chat, Sunday February 20, 2011

  • Diane's Poem:


    I've known this old house for a long, long time:  I regard it with warm affection.
    It calmly wraps me in it's peaceful rooms and is fine with one exception:

    Oh! how I hate that dratted shower!  - So small, so hard to scrub. I view it with some hatred,
    Sure that you'll know what I mean
    When I feel like violence towards the thing which I use to become clean...

    One day, when money comes my way
    I'll march right up those stairs,
    I'll rush into the bathroom, and catch it unawares....
    I'll take my big old hammer, and lay into those panels
    The soap and brushes flying round,
    The air all full of flannels.

    I will not stop until it's flat
    Then I'll clap my hands and say "That's that!"  -
    "No more will I lay eyes on you,
    No more will I scrub round you, too"

    For in a deep and soothing tub I'll lie, soaking amongst the frothy bubbles
    As away will float all of my troubles  oooo000000...
    No more, the hated shower screen,
    On my happy face, a beautific beam!!



  • Oh dear; clearly not thinking straight this morning

    Sheila: Those "highs" (which I got wrong in the winter temps - shoulda be 50s for the lows are typical daytime temps; nights in winter can be from around 40Fs to mid-50sF and summer nights from 65+ to low 70sF (( think).  Really  tired today, did a lot of weeding but didn't sleep well last night - took an allergy pill before I went to bed (typically take two a day in spring) but woke at 1; then 3; then 4; then 6 finally. Boo. Not even worrying about anything......

    Busy thread today; can't keep up - but Lindybird, I'm sure Diane will love the ode to her bathroom!

  • Yay! I won Lindy's Lottery Game! I'm so honored! That poem is wonderful!!! And so accurate. I have saved it to my computer to provide inspiration during remodeling. I truly did get a lot of pleasure out of this, Lindy. It gave me a smile and a chuckle today. Thanks!!!

    Here's a California Poppy for you, Lindy.

  • Congrats to Diane for winning the competition. And congrats to Linda for a brilliant poem.

    Who turned the heat back on? Almost 35C today and I'm melting again. I took esky with ice packs when I went shopping otherwise the meat would probably have cooked in the car driving home.

    Friday Smile
    It began in March when he gave his son an iPhone for his birthday.
    On his own birthday in July his wife made him happy with an iPad.
    In August his daughter received her iPod Touch.
    In September for his wife’s birthday he bought her an iRon.
    It was around then that the fight started . . . . his wife failed to recognise that the iRon could be integrated into the home network with the iWash, iCook and iClean.

  • AQ;  Geez!  Didn't know iAm so technologically advanced!  :-)

    Back from book club; this time it was Let the Great World Spin by Colum McCann.  B***** depressing!!  Next book is Remarkable Creatures by Tracy Chevalier.  Busy day tomorrow (again?) so off to bed in hopes of good night's sleep.  Take care all.

  • Dang! Dang! Dang! I missed the last launch of Space Shuttle Discovery today. If anyone else missed it and you want to see it, here's the link for the video.  http://news.yahoo.com/video/us-15749625/24307276

    Get some good rest, Annette. Very funny post, AQ! Hope you enjoy your day with your son, OG!

    Everyone have a good Friday!

  • Aquilareen

    Love your poem!  I have those 'high tech' items too!

    Annette I can sooo sympathise with you about the wakeful nights.  I use a makeshift knee-pillow in bed to help the arthritic hip and many nights I wake each time I turn over, because the pillow needs adjusting!  Oh, th joys of getting older and creaky!

    We had a lovely, Spring-like day yesterday, with temps in the teens and sunshine (I think that's what it was!).  Just one lot of dog-walking as Thursday is 'mission to Tesco' day.  I took the 'old girl' and Tweed on the walk through disused quarries.  It's not grim and industrial, signs of lots of bluebells to come and great views over the town and Strangford Lough.  Walked further than I intended than wworiied that poor old Nell (15 and 7 months) wouldn't be able to manage the hills on the way back - she was fine.

    Lindybird Hard to believe Tomasz is almost 12 weeks old.  You must really enjoy your visits and wish they could be more frequent.


    Apologies to all those I haven't mentioned

  • Hello!    I just saw the Shuttle take off, on our Morning News programme.  A bit sad really, that it's the last one.  Part of history a'changing again.

    Pleased that my poetry made Diane laugh!  And Thank You for the beautiful poppy pic, Diane. It's great.

    Enjoyed the Friday Smile from AQ  - where do you get all these from?.......

    I'm off out again today on a shopping mission.  Then home to get my hair cut, and spending the weekend packing as we are away as from next Wednesday.  Yesterday's sunshine was so uplifting, what a shame it has not lasted until today, although we are promised that Saturday may be brighter.  I finally have some crocus out in the garden, and our snowdrops are a picture.  The daffs are looking as if they may pop out if the sun comes out at all, again. Thank goodness Spring is finally on its way.

  • Damp and windy again, still mild.  We were all ready to go to bed but chatting about songs and someone asked who sang “All around my hat”.  Couldn’t sleep without finding out!  PC was switched off but as I switched on, I remembered Steeleye Span.  Continued switch-on so we could watch it on You-Tube, then watched two other versions …then googled Maddy Prior … … then watched other stuff … … … consequence: went to bed late.

    Plan for the day – take it easy this morning and talk about stuff. Coffee shop after lunch then talk more, meal out this evening at Powfoot.


    Terry and Wendy – love hearing Roy Dennis speak, haven’t coincided with him at B of G evenings, but heard him at Wigtown Book Festival 2009 – when I bought my “Life of Ospreys” – and he’ll be a speaker at the SOC Conference next month, so looking forward to that.

    Dibnlib – I think it was Johnny Morris who actually introduced Terry Nutkins to television.

    Good to see Paul drop in!

    Lindy – pleased it was “mission accomplished” with family – but what a lot you crammed into one afternoon, and sorry about the journey home.  I don’t use photo processors at all now – print my own when I want any – mostly use digital photo frame if I want to display them.  Great poem for Diane!!  A holiday coming up next week?  You kept that one quiet – pleased that you recovered in time, just don’t do too much before you go!

    AQ – that Friday Smile is just brilliant – showed it to OH and when he laughed I told him it’s really very serious!!  A bit cruel of me really as he does so much in the house now.

    Annette – I hope you are catching up with a good night’s sleep!

    Diane – I hope you will have a good Friday also, and not too busy!

    Patricia – pleased you enjoyed a nearly-spring walk with two dogs and pleased Nell was fine – reminded me of when SiL and Gson#1 had to abandon the West Highland Way because it was too much for the oldest dog and they got tired of carrying her!


    Don’t know whether I’ll be back later, but look forward to reading posts whenever I manage it.

    Ospreys Rule OK, but Goldfinches come a close second!

  • patriciat  - overlapped with you just now..... Baby Tomasz is indeed growing fast, and has now had to be put into the next size of clothes, having grown out of the 'new baby'  &  '0 - 3 months' sizes already, as he is so long!  Obviously going to be tall like his father!