Weekly Chat, Sunday February 20, 2011

  • Annette  (Sheila: Winter temps here typically range from mid-50s (high) to high 70s; summer temps from mid-70s to mid-90s. )  I think I could live quite happily with winter temperatures like that!

    Birdie's DU Summaries 2018   https://www.imagicat.com/

  • Sheila: Yes that's the guy...used to do childrens wildlife TV with CP. He upset the locals at Fort Augustus when he bought the enormous abbey thing there. It was left shut up for years and became a bit of an eyesore. I think he must have sold it as it is now developed into apartments and that must be good for the area.

    Margo: Pleased I am not the only one that likes to get HW done and dusted early. Hard sometimes as OH works from home so there are always distractions. Sometimes I wish he went out to work but I am not sure I could get used to long hours on my own again. Your OH does seem to work very long hours. Billy Whizz sounds as though he enjoying all this attention and the thought of "toys" must be very exciting for him.


  • I ask why?  http://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/worldnews/northamerica/usa/8338805/Universities-in-Texas-to-allow-students-to-carry-guns-on-campus.html

    When only yesterday 11 children were injured near Auchinleck Academy in Ayrshire (Scotland) when two young hooded teenagers went on a gun rampage.  They were believed to be aged 15 & 18, and the shooting continued for an incredible 25 minutes.

    "The rampage has heightened concerns about the easy availability of airguns, and will fuel calls for gun laws to be devolved from Westminster to Holyrood, where the Scottish Government wants to introduce a ban on unlicensed air weapons."   From today's The Scotsman

    Birdie's DU Summaries 2018   https://www.imagicat.com/

  • Woken at 7:50 by phone – Son was telling us he had arrived in Aviemore on the early bus – with 2 hours to wait for train.  I guess he was going to eat breakfast there!  We did our tidying and other chores, replanned meals because we decided on dinner out tomorrow so having tomorrow’s dinner today etc! and I even did the ironing!!  OH gone to Carlisle station to meet the train – can’t think why we didn’t suggest he book through with a local train to Annan!  Cleaner here.


    Lots of posts to read.

    Diane – pleased you were safe home from protest – sorry it was so tiring.  I read the report – didn’t follow all the background, but looks like situation is far from resolved.  Had seen forecast for next winter storm and thought it was coming your way – take care and look after yourself – and the critters in the garage!

    AQ – congrats on IE upgrade.  Thinking here (his) is that I will have to be brave and upgrade to a new OS and then everything else – with new PC – hanging on as long as I can!  Bistro France menu looks enticing, but I find it difficult to digest rich food in the evening – even having some doubts about Italian booked for next week – I used to be okay, but just not used to cream any more – maybe I need to have it more often – LoL!

    Auntie – thanks for exposing the killing of birds – read through some of the comments at the end and found a link to total wildlife they admit to killing last year – over 4 million birds and mammals!  Shocked!

    Lindy – I hope you are having a wonderful afternoon visit with Tomasz, as well as helping with the trip to the tip.  You have chosen a worthy winner of the lottery challenge – look forward to your poem for Diane!

    Dibnlib – I hope you didn’t push yourself too hard at your swim and gym today, after not having been for a while - but hope you enjoyed it.

    Alan – sorry to read that Lady P needs investigation for high BP – I hope they can find reason and control it.

    Wendy – sounds like a non-HW day after all!!  Good to enjoy the outdoors when you can.  Nutkins with CP was Terry!  I do hope new medication will be better fro your OH, but not good that stress is making him unwell.  Sorry – correction – I see you did HW after all – even spring cleaning – wow, a well-filled day!!

    Margo - pleased about Billy Whizz and your evening out.

    Lynette – pleased ancestry seems to be going somewhere!

    Annette – sorry you lost your original post.  So you are expecting the storm too, hope you had a good time with roses before it comes tomorrow.

    Sheila – not sure Boat of Garten Community Centre can afford the likes of CP – their talks are good, but mostly local speakers!  I see you got there before me with Terry Nutkins’ name.


    “Boys” arrived home when I was about halfway through this, then had coffee and talked.  Son has now fallen asleep while dinner is cooking, so I am multitasking between study and kitchen.

    Ospreys Rule OK, but Goldfinches come a close second!

  • Wendyb oh, I love all these chats.  So I checked out the Really Wild Show, and noticed that one of the presenters was Steve Backshall who now fronts the Deadly 60 for CBBC - which I often catch.  Like Chris and other presenters, he is so enthusiastic and also incredibly fit!  His Wiki page is worth a glance.   I see that Michaela Strachan was also a presenter on the RWS and has also continued her career in presenting wildlife programmes.

    Birdie's DU Summaries 2018   https://www.imagicat.com/

  • Wendyb - that must have been incredible to see dolphins so close.  I can imagine it would have really lifted your spirits at a difficult time.

    Alan- an osprey already I can't believe it.  We'll all be watching the skies now!

    Margo - Billy must be really settling in that's great news.  I read an article somewhere the other day about how many elastic bands the post office goes through.  I will have to try and find it. We're always finding them, it's so careless and thoughtless.


  • Found it - allegedly 2 million bands per day.  In the last 5 years they've spent £5 million on 4 billion bands!

  • Trish 2  have just had another close encounter with Billy, he was asleep outside my front door when I went to the bin.  Just looked up at me as if to say "I was having a lovely sleep until you came bounding out of the door".


    Amazing how much money has been thrown away re the elastic bands.    What a waste no wonder stamps have gone up much.


  • Getting this right and replying to you and not dibnlib as I did this morning.  Glad your son arrived albeit early.  Your son must be feeling very tired but I am sure he will enjoy dinner.


  • Alicat : Thanks for the news of the 2nd egg for Phoebe.

    Lynette : Thanks for the screenshots of the eagle and peregrines. Keep an eye out for the 1st egg at the Appio & Vergine nest as it was laid on 26th Feb last year.

    Link to the Eagles nesting calendar as egg laying and hatching is getting complicated now:
