OK. I'm here - where've the rest of you gone? Just kidding. Let's see how this goes. If it gets onerous, we can change it.. It's about 2 1/2 hours to first light at LG. Back then!
A quick pan round to a nearby dead tree to find two birds sat in it but the camera doesn't zoom into either of them. I'm guessing one is Rothes as she was sat there just a short time ago but who is the other? EJ? I personally haven't seen her at all today.
Make the most of today because, unlike Sky+, there isn't a rewind button.
All quiet at LG with Mallachie and Garten still on the nest. Mallachie having a lie down and Garten is standing watch.
I'm going to have to love you and leave you for now. Hopefully someone will take over. Will be back later....
Just logged on and one osprey on the nest. Looks like Garten as I cant see an aerial. Looks windy at LG again today.
Who's that at the top of the tree? Not a good snap but its all I've got. Ned some zoom Mr / mrs camera operator...pretty please?
Unknown said: OK. I'm here - where've the rest of you gone? Just kidding. Let's see how this goes. If it gets onerous, we can change it.. It's about 2 1/2 hours to first light at LG. Back then!
Hi Annette in SoCal, will try and switch on to the dail update and hope it works for us all. At the moment I am looking at Mallachie or Rothes, or it could be EJ or Garten, not sure which girl, but it is perched on the dead tree looking precarious in the windy conditions up there.
RSPB Giving Nature a Home
I think that might be Odin. I wish I knew for sure.
Lovely picture of Garten (I think) in the tree:) 3.12pm
Morning all:
Maureen: Message to Garten: So who was that hogging that fish early this morning and not letting sis in for a bite?! :-)
I have to say, posting to three places (Diary, Facebook, and here) got me going in circles last night and I didn't get anything else done. I missed a bit of to-ing and fro-ing on the nest in between moving from one site to the next, which negates the whole point of these blogs. I'm sure things will slow down once the birds leave, but at this point I think I'll just cut and paste the same comments on all three sites (boring for readers!) Should we stop posting to the Diary once the birds leave?
I'm going to do Other Things today - go to Farmers' Market, tidy up garden, and off to concert this p.m. Back later - and have a nice day folks!
One other thing: I really wish the type size on these pages were smaller so we wouldn't waste so much space (whine, whine, whine....) :-)
Is it EJ we have on the nest right now?15.50 pm
Where are all the posts from BEFORE 12.18 ???????????????????
Do only so many get published per 'page'.