Weekly Chat, Sunday, January 23, 2011

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  • gary a said:

    ChrisyB, hope the cams worked and hope you ignored my advice and took the better stuff! lolol

    Oh, sorry Gary. Didn't mean to be rude in my post. :-) My brain was in tech mode.

  • Alan, very pleased for Scotland! lol

    Linda, sounds lovely, a real treat.

    Diane, now, I wasn't offended in anyway and you weren't rude! I was happy stating the obvious. lol    Thought of you today as well. Going down my driveway on part 2 of my run, I disturbed a Red Tailed Hawk and he flew a few trees down and just looked at me as I went past. I thought "I wish Diane were here, she could tell me what you're thinking":)

    Had a busy morning. was out on my run, came back as the hay man was early, sorted out the hay, then went back out on the run, which didn't go great as by them I was cold and stiff. However, just thawed out in the bath and enjoyed my book, The Confession by John Grisham. Love his stuff

  • Made it to church – Pastoral Assistant preached – he’s fairly new, but was very good.  We have been without a minister for a year, but “sole nominee” is coming to “preach his charge” next week, then we have to vote for or against him, so PA was preparing the way for a new era.  Made very good mushroom soup for lunch – I always put in a wee coffee-spoonful of Marmite for extra flavour.  Then went to get birthday present for Dau#2 – birthday was 31st December but couldn’t get down the farm lane in December due to weather, then had to make a special arrangement because “shop” (hut at a smallholding) isn’t really open after Christmas until end of winter.  Decided to get presents for Dau#1 and Granddau#2 while we were there – birthdays in February, so a very successful mission.  Now trying to wrap first one to post tomorrow – OH in loft looking for box of right dimensions!

    Dibnlib – so glad you could mark another stage of progress by walking to church today.

    Brenda – so sorry about your injury – does that mean you went to church in your slippers?!  I hope the swelling is going down and that it is not too painful.  I have never had to go to a service as early as 9am – except I was young and mobile and occasionally opted for 8am!

    Margo – unusual to see you on a Sunday – I was worried that your OH was having to work again, but I see he went for a nice walk.  I hope you have been able to relax today and step back a bit from Sister’s situation – we don’t want you getting ill with worry!

    Lindy – we don’t have the luxury of an allotment, but shreddings do go into compost (although recently there has been just too much!).  So we have ordered a new shredder from Amazon.  I agree about seeing some older folks with no visitors at all – my parents went into nursing and care homes and at one time I had them in two different ones, but I was lucky that they were both within walking distance (I don’t drive).  Mum was totally compos mentis, so was happy to share me with some of the less fortunate folks, including one whose only daughter was in the Channel Islands.  In fact, Mum used to set off on her zimmer and do her own visiting too!  I hope you have enjoyed your office party – on expenses, I assume! - - - Ah, I see you did enjoy it!

    Alan – often watch a bit of the indoor Bowls, but totally missed this tournament!  Such a gentlemanly sport (sorry ladies, I know there are lady bowlers!).


    Need to get on and order some more online stuff – mostly boring household items!  Back tomorrow.

    Ospreys Rule OK, but Goldfinches come a close second!

  • good zoom in of one of the eagles at the moment

  • Hi everyone.

    The last couple of days have flown past at roughly the speed of a Peregrine in a hurray.  Saw four Greenfinches on Saturday morning, enjoying the sunflower hearts.  Sadly no pics.  Must keep camera close to hand in future.

    Annette:  Thanks for starting the new thread.

    I'm very sorry to hear about your sister's bad news.  My thoughts are with you and yours.

      Well done on winning the quiz.

    ALICAT:  Thanks for the link to the Lily's family vid.

    Thanks to all for your news, pics, vids etc.

    Happy Sunday.




    Warning!  This post contains atrocious spelling, and terrible grammar.  Approach with extreme edginess.

  • Alan, Pleased to hear you were umbiased in your support in the ALL Scottish Final.  Don't forget to watch Andy Murray at 1.50am  tomorrow morning, and leave the result here for us when we wake up.

    Linda, So glad you enjoyed the office party. You definitely must go back.

    OG, Yes I did go to church in slippers !! ( plain, no fur, with a thin sole.) I wore my longest pair of trousers, which covered the tops of the slippers.  OH dropped me off very near to the door. I think he was being considerate, but maybe he just didn't want be seen walking in with me.

  • Hi,, just caught up with the news.

    Gary, thanks for the adorable pics of the puppies - growing well!

    Alan and Gary missed your post for video of Lily but picked up on Alicats - thanks.

    What a super video of her, Hope and the little ones.

    Brenda, sorry to hear you have a swollen foot after all that dancing but glad you won the quiz. Hope it gets better soon.

    Margobird - seems the doctors were waiting till all the tests were in so they could give an acurate diagnosis - even if it wasn't what was hoped for.  Be strong and have faith, we have a lady at church who has come through 3 scares of breast cancer and is living proof of faith and prayer for her.

    Went to church, on duty with Junior Church again this week. Home for a roast beef dinner and then just chilled out, watching Dancing on Ice and Wild at Heart tonight and taping the more interesting programmes to watch in my own time.

  • Here are todays pics taken round about 1.30pm our time.  Wild turkeys at the Pensylvania site, Phoebe's offspring, and the raccoon dogs in Estonia.

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