Weekly Chat, Sunday January 9, 2010

  • Hello everyone.  A very wet day here with no sign of it stopping.  I was listening to the 1st 20/20 cricket match on BBC Five Live Sports Extra earlier - England beating Australia by one wicket on the final ball.  All very exciting.  Apparently both teams are contributing part of their match fees towards the relief effort being made in relation to the dreadful flooding.  The flooding footage on the TV this morning looked horrendous.  I cannot even begin to imagine what folk are going through.

    Margo I was so pleased to hear some positive news of your sister.  Your family have been through so much.

    Lynette I sympathise with your tooth extraction.  Many years ago I had a wisdom (a misnomer if ever I heard) tooth removed, under general anaesthetic in the dentist's surgery.  He had a battle on his hands.  I was out for over an hour, and after grazing my mouth and face badly I was left looking like a one-sided bugs bunny!  He apparently said to my ex-hubby that if I needed any more removed, he didn't want to know!  I did later have three removed in one go, in a hospital and wondered what all the fuss was about!!  Enjoy your glass of wine, or two!

    Annette I bet you can't wait until the landscaping is finished and you can begin to enjoy it!  Do you have to plant (or have planted) drought loving plants or can you water them?

    Great capture of the eagles Alan.

    And lovely captures of Lily and Hope in the den Kelloggs.  I do keep an eye on the webcam, but rarely see any movement.  I read on the web page that cubs are usually born at the end of January, so will have to watch more frequently in a couple of weeks!  I loved the three part series we had here in the UK with wildlife photographer, Gordon Buchanan, when he was introduced to the bears by Lynne Rogers and spent time with Lynne and the bears.  It was very moving on all levels.

    Oh dear, I am sorry to hear that some of you are still enduring the snow and ice.  I know we can expect such weather north of the border, but it is no compensation knowing you could still get snow well into April or even later.  Do all of you continue to take care.  We softies down south had enough after a month!

    alicat wish your OH good luck for next time.

    So, dibnlib, soon be dancing a polka again!  Seriously though, so glad you are making such good progress, but don't over-do it.

    Wendyb a pity you are finding it difficult to get to the gym - tried dancing to the music on the radio!  What sort of exercise do you do at the gym.  Machines/aerobics/steps?

    I went down to Aged Aunt on Monday, leaving at 9.15 am, sailing down the M11 and came to a halt on the M25.  It was first gear, stop, start for the journey up to and through the road widening works.  There was apparently an accident somewhere and also I came across a broken down Tesco van in the outside lane.  It took over 1.5hrs to get from the M11 to the Dartford Crossing.  The Care Management company lady was due at 1.00pm and I wanted to leave at 3.00pm to make sure I was running ahead of the rush hour traffic and could get the journey to the M11 done before it was dark.  I hate night driving these days, particularly on unfamiliar roads, and more particularly on motorways - not helped either by the fact I am still getting used to the new car!  Care Management lady was late, so I phoned.  She was running late, and would be with us at 2.00pm, and that was later corrected to 2.30pm, but she arrived at 2.50pm.  She was very good with Aunty and we tried to get in place the few things she would accept, to last for an initial six weeks.  I am still concerned that she is not actually taking her pills properly though, and will be contacting her GP - not that he will be able to do much in these times of constraint.

    I think it is time I got in with a bit of the dreaded HW.  I am not a fan, but it does look so much better after a little effort!

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  • Thank you all for your encouragement about getting a dog I will go to the dog rescue place once the weather gets a bit better as where it is the road is still rather difficult to get to and they are using four wheel drive cars to get back and forwards to the kennels.

    I also watched the Just William programmes and found them very entertaining and a lot funnier than some of the comedy ones that are on at the moment. 

    Went on a shopping trip this morning and decided to go to Morrisons which is in Glenrothes and it was like going to a different country the snow beside me has nearly all cleared but Glenrothes which is only about five miles away is still like a winter wonderland.

    Have enjoyed all the talk and pictures and hope everyone keeps safe

    george g

  • Managed to get a shot of the crested tit on the LG feeder not very clear as it looks like the web cam is moving about which has made my shot blurred

  • WENDY  Glad visit to kennels went well and that daughter can have her hols, autistic children must be very hard work but rewarding I should think.

    Don't need ID rose or carnation just look for someone walking off balance. Trying hard not to walk lop sided but takes a lot of concentration. Thought you would usually be there later than me as you are some distance away but do hope to get together soon.

    SUE C no physio required but would appreciate any help offered.

    OH and I had a swim, then quick pop home before heading to Eden Court to see "The Kings Speech" You will have read reports and we agree it is a film not to be missed.

  • SUE Trekking poles good idea - Co-incidentally!!! I got OH a pair for Christmas, obviously with an ulterior motive, also thought that when I am able to dog walk again that I would get the Yaktrax  for grips, again OH has some but unused as yet so I will wait to find out what he thinks before I get some. 

  • OG  one of Dillons hiding places is behind the curtains and if he hears anything he pops up to investigate further -hence photo.

  • Morning all: Couldn't get on at all last evening.  Ghastly videos from Queensland on telly last night; cars whizzing by in the floods - was worried people might in in them!

    TerryM: Thanks for Rothes update.

    Alan:  Wonder if Mossad "spy" was subject to harsh questioning while in custody.  Soon we'll be insisting on visas for migrating birds!  Of course, we laugh, but weren't messenger pigeons used in  WWI?

    WendyB:  Oh - am familiar with negative stereotyping of breeds since g-daughter has a small dog that many uninformed folks assume is a "pit bull."   Glad your friend's dog got the all-clear.  Gone all day yesterday so no chance to investigate child labor possibilities - it's beginning to sound like a better idea all the time since illustrations accompanying desk appear thorough but not too clear visually.  Biggest hangup so far is figuring out which way drawer sliders are supposed to sit.  Watch this space.  Sorry you're having a hard time getting to the gym; that'd drive me up the wall.

    OG: Language problems, combined with somewhat impatient guy in charge, seems to be at the root of a problem with a new wall/border. Spoke to lady who helped us with the design yesterday and she's coming by today to check on things.  

    Lynette:  It's hard to avoid wine here - once you're over the hills behind us it's wall-to-wall vineyards and ranches.  I like a good full-bodied red; OH prefers whites, which are good in summer. Good your shower problem sorted - nice to know we're all getting regular showers - and with hot water yet!  :-))

    Margobird:  Great that your sister managed to get down the road for the paper!  Must've lifted her OH's spirits too.

    Sheila: Ha-ha!  Wisdom teeth indeed!  Will be really glad when landscaping is done; not sure I would hire these folks again.  We don't have to plant drought tolerant plants, but we are just because it makes sense in this climate where there's zero rainfall between April and November. Our local Water District also gives rebates of $1,000 to homeowners who remove grass lawns and replace them with drought resistant plants and/or water-thrifty sprinkler heads.  We'll have to water the new plants through the summer for the first year or two until they're established, then we can pretty much rely on normal rainfall levels. At least that's the theory!  :-)    Have  you tried those daily pill reminder thingies where you put each dose in its own labeled little box?  They have them here with alarms that remind people when to take them (but sometimes all these strategies don't work anyway).

    dibnlib:  Have heard from friend here that The King's Speech was very good; it's showing locally; may try to catch it before it moves on. Cute photo of Dillon.

    Wonder where Diane is these days - the last we heard she was off out to dinner with her bro and his fiancee. Probably out talking to the local critters in between working on her house!  Hi to everyone else; thanks for posts and pix!

  • Just caught up again.

    Remarkably there is no soreness and feel fine.  Have been busy cleaning out the food larder cupboards and sorting them out, a job that needed doing so pleased I've now acomplished it. You have to be in the mood to do it!!!!!!!!!!!'t

    Margobird - that is heartening news about your sister, and to go down the road to the shops on her own, wow, so soon after the op.   She must be feeling a lot better.  Let's hope the treatment won't be long in coming.

    Alan -   did you read that the creator of Thunderbirds is going to do another series but not sure whether to use live actors or leave them as marionettes!!

    Weather has been cloudy with rain on and off today but much milder than it has been.

    Took this a moment or two ago, you can just make mum and daughter out.

  • Alan - sorry to hear about No.11 from the Lake District, lets hope it is just the transmitter and not sad news.