Hi everyone.
Fasten your cigarettes, and extinguish your seat-belts (I'm sure I've got that the right way round), for another week. Osprey season draws nearer. :-)
Warning! This post contains atrocious spelling, and terrible grammar. Approach with extreme edginess.
Hornby Island eagles taken just a couple of minutes ago .Looks like some serious nest building going on.
RSPB Giving Nature a Home
One decided to leave nest but has just flown in again.
Waiting to cook dinner when OH has finished putting lounge rubbish outside and then peeled potatoes. Updated church website this morning - a big update due to activities starting up after holidays. While he was wrestling with formats from copied material was when I took time out to make replies here, which got lost. This afternoon we finished sorting the lounge. Will do hallway after dinner – want to sort gloves and scarves etc in the hall table drawers as I am sure there are some lurking in the bottom which we don’t use.
So, now to try again.
Lynette – pleased you have hot water again. As you say in a later post, we do take it for granted that we can just turn on a tap to wash up, or get our daily shower.
AQ – I would not like to have to sell by “Open House” system – have experience of too many locals Sticky Beaking even when by appointments through agent! Don’t like to see cyclists in flocks on main road – dangerous. Also really don’t like seeing them in lycra –but let’s not go there!
Annette – does Panasonic Man wear a cape and his underpants on the outside? Maybe they are made of lycra too! I still think they should have brought you a new one. Garden progress sounds good – I hope we shall be seeing before-and-after photos like the makeover progs on TV! I hope you will be getting some relaxation time over the weekend.
Trish – pleased your OH is still improving. I hope Mia - and you - enjoyed the walk. Whereabouts are you, to have two inches of snow yesterday? Wonderful sparrowhawk photo!
Brenda – sounds like quite a storm with you last night.
Dibnlib – we are changing banks, and yesterday received a cheque for interest due on the old one which had been sent 16th December – probably another victim of the pile on the sorting office floor!
Diane – so pleased you are having dinner with your Brother and his Fiancée – enjoy!
Thanks to all posting web captures. Have a good remainder of Saturday and beginning of Sunday – see you in the new week. Wow, second week of the new year already – soon be end of March!!
Ospreys Rule OK, but Goldfinches come a close second!
OG, we're in North Yorkshire. Mia loved the walk but the snow's just about gone much to her disappointment. First time she's had an off lead run with her dad for a week. The sparrowhawk pic was obviously from the summer time. We have some more recent ones of her preening in the tree but not on this computer yet.
Hi - just popping in so you know I'm OK, as I was just too busy to come on here yesterday, but I have read all your interesting posts! Just been to visit OH's Aged Auntie, she was pleased to see us & Dog, and he was rewarded with a chewy dog stick for good behaviour, which he sat in the middle of the floor demolishing with great relish whilst we talked.
Glad to hear that the new paths/landscaping are going on well, Annette - you can soon look forward to the workmen going & leaving you in peace to enjoy it all, I hope. We also spent some time yesterday writing labels for all the various outside Christmas lights (we put some in the back garden, too) so that next year we can remember which ones go where for the best effect, instead of scratching our heads & wondering.
Manchester Free Trade Hall was sold despite arguments from various factions: it is now a Radisson Hotel although it looks much the same from outside, as they were made to keep the frontage as it was. My OH remembers going to see Acker Bilk there, and the Chris Barber Band, with singer Otilee Paterson, in the early 60's!!
I too, have been thinking about margo & hoping all has gone well for her visit.
Must go now & watch some of the many things we recorded over the Christmas period. 'See you' All tomorrow.
ps: Great Sparrowhawk pic Trish!
evening everyone. Haven't posted much recently but been trying to keep up.
Mother in Law got home safely this week and is already plotting/planning her next visit in June.
Thanks for all the news/posts, just leave you with this one thought....
GAYY: Gary he/she stunning but so pleased it was not Miss Purple!! Or is that going to be your next post.
Just catching up on todays posts and Lynette, I noticed that your pics from Hornby Island have a copyrigt marking on them. I think that means that you can't publish them elsewhere without permission. I don't know the full law, so maybe somebody else on here can advise.
Unknown said: GAYY: Gary he/she stunning but so pleased it was not Miss Purple!! Or is that going to be your next post.
Wendy, I didn't get a good shot of Miss Purple this time:( She was moving the whole hour we were there!