Weekly Chat (Non-Osprey), 22 December 2024

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  • Weather has been cooler and yesterday when I took the covers off my tomatoes, Lo, a seasonal gift – one ripe tomato. It is always a challenge here for backyard growers to have fruit ripen by Christmas.

    I was out to shops this morn for a fruit/veg top-up, pay bills & return finished (already) library books. By 10 am the car park was full of impatient drivers, One shook his finger at me. Me? It was he who was in the middle of a two-way lane so no one could go anywhere. So glad I didn’t wait until tomorrow.

  • On the twelfth day of Christmas my Aussie true love sent to me
    12 parrots prattling, 11 numbats nagging, 10 lizards leaping, 9 wombats working, 8 dingoes digging, 7 possums playing, 6 brolgas dancing, 5 Kangaroos . . .
    4 koalas cuddling, 3 kookaburras laughing, 2 pink galahs, and an emu up a gum tree.


    For dog lovers

    On the twelfth day of Christmas, my true love gave to me
    12 Dachshunds drooling 11 Pointers pointing, 10 Labs a-leaping, 9 puppies prancing, 8 mutts a-mauling, 7 Scotties scrapping, 6 Hounds-a-howling, 5 Golden Retrievers . . .
    4 Collie dogs, 3 French Poodles, 2 Great Danes, and a Schnauzer with a goatee.


    For feline lovers

    On the twelfth day of Christmas, my kitty gave to me
    12 tangled tinsels, 11 catnip binges, 10 scratched-up doggies, 9 fleas a-jumping, 8 lives remaining, 7 lumps of cat poo, 6 broken ornaments, 5 sharpened claws . . .
    4 shredded drapes, 3 gift mice, 2 hairballs, and some partridge feathers from the pear tree.

  • AQ - All three of those adaptations are wonderful!  Thank you so much for a Christmas Eve Eve giggle early in the morning!  I will be Skyping with my friend in Lismore in a couple of hours, and will certainly share the first one with her.  Some drivers - and shoppers - seem to become completely bonkers at this time of year.  I was fortunate to get the ideal parking spot last Friday outside the supermarket.  Did my shopping, got back into the car - and some moron stopped right behind me and wouldn't let me out!  He (must have been a man ... :) ) had spotted someone just unpacking their shopping into their car and wanted that space!  The fact that I could have saved him waiting didn't seem to register.  Eventually another car behind him hooted and flashed - and I was released.  I do wonder sometimes where some drivers keep their brains ...

  • Bonnie is ten today!! Can't believe we've had her for all that time.

  • Lindy - Not only can I not believe she is ten years old, but I also can't believe I have been on this forum longer than she has been with you/1  I can't remember when I started lurking on this site - taking your time-line as a guide, it must have been about fourteen or fifteen years.  Goodness!

  • Yes hard to believe that Bonnie is 10 and looking good.  Happy Birthday to Bonnie.  Benson will be 12  on the 28th Feb, he is deaf now but a happy boy.

  • OG - so glad the carol concert was good. I hope J managed to get in touch with the people in charge of the accommodation offer. 
    Harelady - how unfortunate for your brother in law and just before Christmas too. What a shame. Glad there is family around. 
    Lindy - fancy Bonnie being 10. I hope you have a smooth journey tomorrow and that you don’t hit a lot of traffic. Dont envy you on the M6!
    AQ - I liked all your verses. Congratulations on your ripe tomato!!!

    I walked to my Sainsbury’s Local this morning for a few bits and pieces. It wasn’t too busy. I then called and delivered my final Christmas card. I was invited in for a cuppa and a chat which was nice. Just after lunch a former colleague and friend arrived. She had missed our lunch last week due to this bug which is going around. She is feeling better but has no appetite. She did manage a mini mince pie. It was good to see her. 
    Tomorrow morning some friends and I are going to go to Chester Zoo for a couple of hours. It has become a tradition. In the afternoon I will listen to the 9 lessons and carols from Kings College Cambridge - another tradition. 
    I hope everyone is making progress with their Christmas preparations. 

  • I am afraid that I am one of those who doesn't like to fiddle with anything I am not sure of.  Well done to you RUSTY for having a go.

  • Rusty - Yes, Nine Lessons and Carols are a tradition for me as well.  Then supper and something to eat - and then off to the Midnight Communion.  Then once I get home I will pull up the drawbridge for a couple of days!

  • I reiterate much of what RUSTY has to say in the first paragraph esp hoping that J has managed to make contact re accommodation.

    As my OH hasn't felt well enough to walk Benson I have been out with him on my own.  Two days ago as soon as I got onto the track which is only 2 mins from home I heard a voice calling me and so Suzanne and I walked togther, neither of us in any rush to get home, today it was Jennifer with her Goldie.  Then as well as Jennifer I bumped into the lovely Morag while collecting my order from Harry Gows.  On each occasion these lovely people made me smile and I do think they felt the same.  These are all people who have had hardship in the last few months (the death of a husband, husbands 2 mini strokes , and another diagnosed with a muscle wasting illness) yet just spending a little time with each other made us smile. It doesn't take much.

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