Weekly Chat, Sunday, December 26 2010

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  • Oh, patricia - have been thinking of you when we heard about the water crisis.  What a disaster it's been. Not enough investment in new pipes, I suppose.  Glad to hear that you, at least, are not affected. Take care on those steps!

    We have been to the Sales to buy OH some new sweaters as he wears them until they are threadbare & we are all ready to see him in something new. There were huge queues snaking around the counters in M& S and he went white with fear, so we didn't bother, but bought some food instead.  Then bought sweaters in the Edinb. Wool Shop where the very kind assistant gave us each a chocolate from a box hidden under the counter!  Lovely!  On the way home, stopped at a Friends and had a bit of Christmas cake & a cup of welcome tea.

    Sorry to hear that you have not been 100% margo, do take care. Hope you enjoy the panto (I love Paul, he's such a giggle!)

    If you are ready to be laughing, do go to this link for a giggle, its v. funny!



  • Annette - Sorry about the SA. I should type in full. When we Google "SA" searching for South Australia, we get South Africa as well. Cooking in a bag takes the worry out of baking and I always buy a self-basted turkey. Oh and just remember to put 2-3 wee holes in bag to let out excess steam.

    Margo - Remembering how I was after a minor knee op some years ago, I am not surprised your sister is confused. I reckon the culprit is the anaesthetic. My "normal" state returned in a month or two. Perhaps our body’s way of coping with trauma.

    I hope everyone "up there" is warming up, as we are here. Since it is nearly time to think of New Year resolutions, I shall add these thoughts - - -
    I don't do housework because I love birds and I don’t want one to run into a clean window and get hurt.
    I don’t wax floors because I am terrified a guest will slip and get hurt then I’ll feel terrible (plus they may sue me.)
    I don’t mind the dust bunnies because they are very good company, I have named most of them, and they agree with everything I say.
    I don’t disturb cobwebs because I want every creature to have a home of their own.
    I don’t spring clean because I love all the seasons and don’t want the others to get jealous.
    I don’t pull weeds in the garden because I don’t want to get in God’s way, He is an excellent designer.
    I don’t put things away because my kids will never be able to find them again.
    I don’t do gourmet meals when I entertain because I don’t want my guests to stress out over what to make when they invite me over for dinner.
    I don’t iron because I choose to believe them when they say "Permanent Press".
    I don’t stress much on anything because "A Type" personalities die young and I want to stick around and become a wrinkled crusty ol’ woman!! . . .
    Remember a clean house is a sign of a broken computer.

  • Hi there, just caught up with the news

    AQ - so glad its warming up for you!!!!!!!!!   I have friends who are coming out to Australia on Sunday for a spell of 3 months. The husband's daughter from his first marriage is coming out with the family 2weeks later as her husband has  a 6 month secondment with the Flying Ambulance and Rescue organisation -at least something like that.    They are all going to be based in Sidney and have managed to rent a house near the waterfront but not sure which district. Hopefully they will settle down for the duration and enjoy your lovely weather.   Not sure what I've done I seem to have locked the writing tool. I started to post but had to give up as I'd pressed a key by mistake and the typing up was taking longer than expected.   Back on today so will shut up, catch up, and hopefully post properley in few minutes.







  • Evening all:  Well, barely moved off the couch all day. Went off to "my" room with Bill Bryson book, struggeld up at lunchtime for small bites of this and that, then managed to fire up the iron do to a few things while watching Harry Potter and the Hafl-Blood Prince, then back to couch for more reading, a nap, and then out for "Bistro Special" dinner at Stella Mares, where it was quiet and cozy. Now home to topple into bed early. 

    Lindybird: Gotta love those polar bears.

    AQ: No biggie with SA  - I'm just slow....

    Very strong winds today and tonight, Nice to be in toasty house.

    Do hope those of you with cold and water problems can sort things out and get comfy. Take care!

  • Hello Everyone:   Grey & Damp here again, but at least its not as cold.

    Thanks for the List of Housework Excuses, AQ - I go along with those!  At present, I'm not dusting as there are so many Christmas cards & decs everywhere.....

    Glad to hear you had a relatively lazy day, Annette, after your busy few days.  Did you have to do the ironing, now you've made me feel guilty!

    Watched a great programme about Rolf Haris last night, what a talented man.  The paintings shown at the end of the programme were breathtakingly good.  I have always been a fan.

    Must go and do something houseworky, or the place will fall into disrepair!   Have a good day, All.

  • Sorry I haven't been on for a few days but hope you are all well or getting better and glad to hear there is slightly better news of MARGOS sister, also hope you all had a Merry christmas .

    PATRICIAT. So glad you are not suffering with a water problem. I guess it is a bit like my mobility, you do not realise how much you depend on it until you do not have it!!!!

    AQ  on washing windows. We used to live in Shetland and no one bothered to clean their windows as they were just covered in sea spray. Remember arriving back to live on the mainland and seeing a neighbour cleaning her windows and getting a real shock. I have never had the knack of window cleaning and only smear the dirt so the birds here are safe from accidents and I think we have probably only had a couple of bird/window accidents in the 15 years we have been here.

    Off for lunch at Rocpool today and I am a bit nervous as it will be the furthest I have walked outside using cuff crutches. My right leg still doesn't want to play so walking is ungainly and painful and only a meal at Rocpool could persuade me it is worth the effort. 

  • Sorry I haven't been on for a few days but hope you are all well or getting better and glad to hear there is slightly better news of MARGOS sister, also hope you all had a Merry christmas .

    PATRICIAT. So glad you are not suffering with a water problem. I guess it is a bit like my mobility, you do not realise how much you depend on it until you do not have it!!!!

    AQ  on washing windows. We used to live in Shetland and no one bothered to clean their windows as they were just covered in sea spray. Remember arriving back to live on the mainland and seeing a neighbour cleaning her windows and getting a real shock. I have never had the knack of window cleaning and only smear the dirt so the birds here are safe from accidents and I think we have probably only had a couple of bird/window accidents in the 15 years we have been here.

    Off for lunch at Rocpool today and I am a bit nervous as it will be the furthest I have walked outside using cuff crutches. My right leg still doesn't want to play so walking is ungainly and painful and only a meal at Rocpool could persuade me it is worth the effort. 

  • Morning all,

    Thanks for all the chat etc.

    Watched the Springwatch/Autumnwatch special last night and the program about the polar bears. All good stuff. Weather is misty/murky and foggy. I am beginning to wish for the frosty days again as at least the sun was shining. You just cant win at this time of year, Temp is 3.7c.

    I may have a look for the waxwings later. There were around 30 not too far away but the trouble is that they are mobile and whenever I get to where they were sighted, they have gone. We have a bit of a crisis with the neighbours cat as it has come into the house looking distictly unwell. Lady P has gone to try and find a contact number as it looks like they have gone  out for the day. Will let you know what happens later.

  • I am hoping to catch up with all the news today, in the meantime.................

    We had the Batmoblie.....now the Italians have a concept car the 'Ospreymobile', the Pandion.

    Very nice and so is the driver!

    The prototype design is inspired by the predator Pandion haliaetus, an osprey ... which explains the presence of doors so special wing-shaped and the choice of colors white and black for the body color.


    The video can be played in HD and the page translates well with Google Toolbar.

    ChloeB & Tiger's Osprey Data Site

    Sat track schedule Spring 2014

    LG 7 days; RW & SWT nil; LDOP varies

  • What a great car, jsb!  (well, it has to be with a name like that!)   Liked the video, too!

    dibnlib:  Hope you get to enjoy your lunch out, and don't wobble too much... it must be scary for you. 

    Alan:   We had to video the prog about the Polar Bears to watch later, like so many other things over the season.  It looks great fun though.  Enjoyed the Springwatch Christmas Special, some of the best bits repeated from the year.  Those Eagles use the same technique to catch fish as our feathered friends, I notice.  And of course I was mesmerised by the Snowy Owl at the end.

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