Weekly Chat (Non-Osprey), 13 October 2024


The full moon is Thursday, 17 October, in US and UK. It's a really close Supermoon.

The Covered Bridge Festival began yesterday in my area. Two million people from Indiana and across the country will visit at least one of the festival small towns to buy arts and crafts, enjoy country foods, take bus tours, and see the covered bridges. This weekend, we have weirdly warm weather and glorious sunshine, so our highways have bumper to bumper, slow-crawling traffic and there are crowds everywhere.

i intend to remain holed up at home until the festival is over on the 20th. I went to the doctor last week, and I took the opportunity to stock up on groceries. Yesterday. I walked to the convenience store on the highway and bought drinking water, so I'm all set to stay on my patch for the duration. I gave the groundhog a carrot today. 

The festival is a badly needed boost for our rural economy, but I'll be glad when it's over.

Hugs and love to everyone!

  • Annette   So pleased that Billy is hale and hearty again.

  • Lovely view of the hunters moon this evening, I have been looking at it and thinking. Quite poignant really as I have been to a funeral today of a lovely man from the golf club. I played golf with his wife and I accompanied him on the keyboard when he sang with his wonderful Welsh voice at club Christmas concerts. We gave him a good send off with a rousing rendition of Calon Lan. The “do” was at the golf club of course!!! 
    The colours of the trees in the gardens of the crem were wonderful.