Weekly Chat (Non-Osprey), 8 September 2024


Not much to report here. Temps could fall to freezing tonight, but it's supposed to get hot again next week.

I've decided that my mood will improve if I simplify and organize my life. So I've ordered 4 large plastic file boxes and 8 super large plastic storage boxes. I'm going to devote the week to sorting all of my personal documents and belongings. 

I also ordered a new tough polar winter coat, new waterproof, heavy tred hiking boots, gloves, and polar house slippers. The weather service is predicting that this will be a polar vortex winter here with extreme cold and heavy snow. I also ordered 2 large boxes of batteries and other emergency supplies. 

I bought a nifty little unit that has a built in radio, a flashlight, a reading lamp, an emergency beacon, and a phone charger. It runs on internal rechargeable batteries or regular AA batteries. It also has a solar panel and a crank for charging in an emergency.

I bought everything at sharply cut, clearance prices because none of the stores have the new winter inventory in yet. I felt better getting organized and prepared and beating the higher prices that will come as the season changes. The delivery man will hate me!!!

Everybody have a good week. Love and hugs to everyone.

  • Rusty:  Loved the photos.  Assume you enjoyed the woodland walk rather than "annoyed"  it!  :-)  I was visualizing you and your friend being a bit too rambunctious on the trail....

    Lindybird:  More waiting!  Meanwhile, your OH seems to have been more normally active than before.  Take care.

    OG  Have added 'peely-wally' to my vocabulary.  My niece often uses the word 'poorly' when someone doesn't feel well, which isn't used in that context here and typically refers to the way someone has performed or tested.

  • Thanks Annette. I have edited the iPad typo!! It does annoy me sometimes. You can imagine how much it did not want me to type pealy- wally!!! 

  • Rusty:  That's why I hate texting; my phone anticipates - often incorrectly - what I want to say and because I think I've spoken clearly I don't always check my message before I send it.  And although I can type fast on a regular keyboard, I'm a one-finger pokey person when it comes to using my phone. Amazed by people who type stuff at lightning speed with their thumbs.

  • I can truthfully say we had a good day today - not that we actually did much, so nothing to share!

    RUSTY - loved your photos of Brodick Castle.

    Can't remember what else I just read - must be tired!

    Ah, yes.  Did I mispell peely-wally - or is it one of those expressins which does not have a truly formal spelling?

  • OG - I am glad you had a good day and that you liked the photos of Brodick Castle

    Here is Part 3 of my short tour. We drove east and, to my delight because it was not on the itinerary, we stopped at the Kelpies in Falkirk. I had always wanted to see them and I was not disappointed. They are stunning. 

     We then continued to South Queensferry where we got on the boat to cruise past the 3 bridges and down the Forth to Inchcolm Island. Sadly, one of the famous Scottish haas had rolled in. It was quite amusing listening to a commentary about places we couldn’t see!!! We landed on the island. I knew all the birds would have gone but I got a nice photo of all the feathers they had left.

    We visited the abbey which is well preserved. Fortunately, when we sailed back up the river 90 minutes later, the mist had almost lifted and we saw the bridges as we sailed under them.

     The next day we drove back to North Wales. We stopped at Gretna Green. I am sure you know it well OG!!!! A popular spot for coach tours I am sure. A wedding had just taken place and a bagpiper was playing. All very clichéed!! I took a photo but I had better not post it as I obviously can’t get permission! 
    It was a good short break. 

  • Rusty:  Love to see photos of the Kelpies (though just read about the myth - oh dear, not so endearing).  And I think the photo of the feathers is hysterical. There's a great caption waiting to be written there.....!

  • RUSTY -  agreat shot of the Kelpies!  So glad you like them - my favourite modern attraction in Scotland!

    A wet morning here, but the week ahead looks promsing - unless the jet stream decides to have another wobble!