Weekly Chat (Non-Osprey), 8 September 2024


Not much to report here. Temps could fall to freezing tonight, but it's supposed to get hot again next week.

I've decided that my mood will improve if I simplify and organize my life. So I've ordered 4 large plastic file boxes and 8 super large plastic storage boxes. I'm going to devote the week to sorting all of my personal documents and belongings. 

I also ordered a new tough polar winter coat, new waterproof, heavy tred hiking boots, gloves, and polar house slippers. The weather service is predicting that this will be a polar vortex winter here with extreme cold and heavy snow. I also ordered 2 large boxes of batteries and other emergency supplies. 

I bought a nifty little unit that has a built in radio, a flashlight, a reading lamp, an emergency beacon, and a phone charger. It runs on internal rechargeable batteries or regular AA batteries. It also has a solar panel and a crank for charging in an emergency.

I bought everything at sharply cut, clearance prices because none of the stores have the new winter inventory in yet. I felt better getting organized and prepared and beating the higher prices that will come as the season changes. The delivery man will hate me!!!

Everybody have a good week. Love and hugs to everyone.

  • Annette, my daughter,s daughters Seraphina is nearly 13 and doesn't need care but the youngest Luna is 7. My sons 2 are James 7 and Lily 4 so both need care. His situation is made worse by his partner works for the NHS in natal care and does 3 x 12 hour shifts with night shifts twice a month at least.

  • I am back from my trip to town to get the paint. That was successful but I got drenched!!! The people in the shops were all very cheerful though!

    So my short trip to Scotland. It was a 5 day coach tour run by a trusted local firm. My friend and I like it because they pick you up from home in a minibus and take you to the spot where you join the coach. I was lucky. I was the last pick up and it was only 5 minutes to the coach. My friend had come on a different coach from Chester. 
    The coffee stop was at Tebay - my favourite service station. The lunch stop was at Moffat where my friend and I ate our picnic in the churchyard!!!! We arrived at our hotel in Drymen near Loch Lomond in time to unpack and go to dinner. The hotel was good and the food was excellent.

    Our first tour out the next day was to Loch Lomond. We first visited the charming village of Luss where they had restored cottages and a super view of Ben Lomond.

    After lunch we had a 2 hour cruise on the Loch with commentary. It was very good. I naturally sat on deck with my binoculars!! We passed Loch Lomond golf club which is very exclusive. I did notice through my binoculars that each player had a caddy wearing a red jacket!  Not in my league, I looked it up. You have to be recommended and the joining fee alone in £100,000!!!! 
    Back to the hotel for dinner.

    I will write apart 2 later but as Annette predicted, I am now going to write an account of the trip in French ready for next Monday. 

  • Sorry I've been absent (again). But yesterday was our Very Long Day again, when my OH had to help us both to rise at 5.00am to drive to the hospital for his appointment at 7.00am. I left him there & went to a very large M&S to buy food: they didn't open that early but the next door 24 hour Tesco was open, so I wondered around there slowly & stocked up on dog biscuits etc. then sat in the car until 8, when I filled my trolley with  M&S delicious pies and lovely fish. Went home and read my book with a cuppa, then snoozed for a bit! 

    My OH rang mid afternoon to say he was ready to be collected but as it took over 45 minutes to get there, and even longer to drive home again because of the rush hour traffic, we were both pretty exhausted when we got in. I cooked a pasta meal (M&S again) and we contacted family to tell them how he was. He was told by the surgeon that they had taken more samples from his bladder and they have been sent for analysis. Then we have to wait for a meeting to discuss whether more action is needed. Phew! 

    Today we've had a very quiet day to recover but he did take the dog for a short walk, & it's been springlike weather with bright sunshine interspersed with very sharp showers. He slept twice in his comfy chair  and I fell asleep this afternoon  on the sofa!

  • dibnlib:  Three and a half years?  Good Lord - time flies and all that but wonderful she's getting fitted and insurance will cover it.  I'm sure she'll have a good outcome because she's always sounded so amazingly positive.

    Harelady:  Hmmm - so quite a few years of Nanny duty needed.  I imagine hiring someone would be prohibitive (same as here).  Maybe at some point they could 'share' a local nanny.  Failing that, maybe you could buy yourself a nice new car.

    Rusty:  OMG. I love those cottages!   My sister always loved the Scottish landscape but I kinda like my hills with some trees on.  :-) 

    I didn't watch the debate - didn't really want Trump anywhere in my house! But given that Kamala apparently did really well, I feel more reassured, even though that doesn't mean much what with half our electorate being incapable of any critical thinking.   Arghhh.

    Meanwhile, take care all.

  • Harelady, it's hard to think that Luna is 7 already!! Difficult choices when transport is involved. We are finding it increasingly hard to drive all the way to St Albans, which with 2 stops takes us 4 hours. But our son is going to stay there for many years, perhaps forever, & its our only way of seeing our granddaughter. I suppose we could take 2 trains and a taxi but it doesn't appeal. So I know what you mean.

    Rusty, I'm enjoying your description of your Scottish trip. How great to go to Loch Lomond.

    AQ - Sorry you missed out on a chatty lunch out - hope you can manage it next week.

  • Thank you all for your news !

    RUSTY - So glad that you enjoyed your holiday. OH and I spent a few days in that area a number of years ago. Luss is indeed a lovely village. My stepson is a keen golfer - he chuckled when I told him what you had said about the golf club. 

    HARELADY and LINDY - I don't drive so used to fly down to the Midlands to see my son and his family. I couldn't bear the thought of the train journey. HARELADY - your family are very fortunate in that you are able to be there to nanny sit ! 

    DIBNLIB - wonderful news for your friend ( I think it is Erica). What a difference it will make to her life.

    ANNETTE - I hope that the house in Prescott Valley is now sold - it will be a weight off your mind. Good news regarding granddaughter and new job (s!).

    AQ - thinking of you, as ever, as you adjust to your new routines. The care home sounds like a good one. I hope that I never have to go in one, though. My son in law's Mum seems happy enough in hers. I should jolly well hope so as it costing £1725 per week.....

    OG - you're quiet this week - hope that all is well and that you three managed your day out yesterday.

    All is OK here - hairdresser came last week and podiatrist will visit today. New gas boiler is ordered and will most likely be installed early next week. Thank goodness...... Granddaughter is safely installed in her university accommodation. A few tears were shed, apparently. It's a big step. Next one to fly the nest is grandson Sam who is joining the Royal Navy. He will train as an aviation engineer. I don't know why he chose the Navy as the Air Force would seem to be the obvious choice. Maybe his Dad ( my son) put him off ! Son did the same job in the Air Force so maybe he didn't recommend it :-) 

  • Heather - glad the boiler is ordered. You will feel better now that the big decision is made. Your grandchildren are growing up and flying the nest. I am sure they will make the most of their opportunities.

    Dibnlib - it is good news re your friend. I hope everything works out smoothly for her. She certainly deserves it. 

    Lindy - that day with the hospital appointment sounds to have been tiring and stressful. Now yet another wait for results. I hope they are not too long in coming. Fingers crossed for a good result. 

    Annette - I didn’t watch the debate but I have listened to reports about it on Americast and also read accounts. I really cannot understand how people can contemplate voting for that man!!! It’s scary.

    I am off out for coffee and cake with the lady who leads the birdwatching group. She has broken her arm so I am picking her up and we are having a catch up with some of the other ladies. It’s cold and damp so being in a nice coffee shop will be better than standing outside somewhere cold!!!!

    I will be back later with Part 2 of my Scottish trip. However, I am off to Madeira this afternoon!!! (Only at the U3A Armchair Travellers meeting!!!!!!)

  • Thanks for the thoughts on Erica,  Yes , this will be the closest thing to a real leg.  She will have to spend 4 days in London for the op, then the rehab will be in Glasgow where she will go Mon - Friday for a while.  Knowing her it will not take long for her to be hop, skip and jumping like a lamb.  LINDY  What a tough day you and OH had, hope you get the results soon.  HEATHER Glad to hear your Granddaughter is safe and well at uni.

  • HEATHER - thanks for thinking of me.  Yes I am very quiet these days and this morning was feeling - and apparently looking - very peely-wally.  I had a better day Wednesday (how did I time that one?) so we did have our day out near Carlisle.  Weather for a few days has been very sunny although not so hot as last week.  I have been reading the thread most days but finding it difficult to motivate and reply - will try harder!

  • Oh dear OG, so sorry you are feeling peely-wally. Glad you got your day out though. If you have had the rain we have had today that won’t be making you feel much better!

    Maybe Part 2 of my holiday account will interest you. On Day 2 in Scotland we drove to Ardrossan where we caught the ferry to Arran. I stood on deck and enjoyed watching the gannets diving. As always on a coach tour, compromises have to be made. My friend and I would have liked to have seen more of the island but, as per the itinerary, we just went to Brodick Castle. Mind you it was a good place to visit. The two of us had a quick lunch first in the cafe and then made for the walled garden which was lovely. Beautifully kept and still plenty colour. We also enjoyed the woodland walk in what was originally called the Pleasure Gardens. We kept getting lovely views over the bay and we came across various sculptures and installations. We then visited the interior of the castle which was interesting but not really my cup of tea. We finished by going to a different part of the woods where there was a red squirrel hide and bird feeders. We saw plenty birds but the reds failed to arrive even though their feeders were full.  We then caught the ferry back and drove back to Drymen for dinner.