Weekly Chat (Non-Osprey), 23 June 2024


I hope everyone has a good week.

The full moon, the "Strawberry Moon", was beautiful here last night. Very large and a lovely orange color. I don't have much else to report. The scorching heat and high humidity have kept me indoors all week, except for an uncomfortable trip to the grocery store. 

Love and hugs to all. I'm so sorry for all of you facing tough challenges.

  • Some lovely pics, thank you to RUSTY and SUNNY KATE.

  • Maybe my enforced absence is finished - J still complaining of pain in his mouth but is eating almost normally now - his eating is never what I would call normal, anyway!  My leg woke up better yesterday morning and then had a time in the afternoon when I couldn't move at all!  Today I am doing much better, but we decided to cancel our Wednesday outing - OH will shop on his own as I don't want to attempt getting into the car seat - too far for sitting in wheelchair in the back.

    I shan't try going back through posts so shall hope to move forward tomorrow onwards.

  • Nice to wake up to some lovely photos (Sunny Kate: those hedges in the first shot are so tidy!!) and good news from OG.

    Meanwhile, dibnlib, another desultory performance by England against Slovenia.  :-(  Can they redeem their former reputation at this point?

    My contribution is a photo of a cactus that typically flowers in late May-early June but like everything else in the garden this year, has been blooming later than usual.

    And I still don't understand how it can look so crisp until it actually gets on the site.  Sigh...   Speaking of photos, wonder how Clare and Limpy are doing...

  • Yes, Annette, we don't hear much from them lately. Love your pretty blooms! 

  • Good morning, all.

    ANNETTE – a very pretty cactus – hard to think of them as garden plants!  Our new plants have been large Alliums which have been very impressive – and the blooms are lasting a long time.  I also wondered about Clare and Limpy – I do hope he is well enough for the two of them to get out and about with their cameras.

    LINDA – will be thinking of your OH tomorrow – you too, of course.  I hope somebody will decide something this time.


    I finished the magazine ready for July so OH will be going out to print some time today.  J has gone out on foot – visit to job centre, pharmacy and then lunch.  I have foolishly agreed to a hard-boiled egg for lunch – I wonder?  Will let you know later what happened when lunchtime arrived.  ~ ~ ~ or maybe you don’t know about me and eggs?  I suddenly stopped eating the things and can’t even bear to be at the table if other people do!

    I’ve now got that lost feeling I get at the end of a magazine – not that I have nothing to do, but that I have so many things I ought to do and don’t know where to start!

  • Good that J is getting out and about, OG. Thank you for thinking of us. We are now getting increasingly angry about the delays. We are hoping for a firm date of a proper examination and possible op. My OH has gone out to play a few holes of golf today, so he must feel up to it - he misses his friends when he doesn't go, too.

    Your cacti look better on my big desktop screen, Annette!! lovely detail!

    I love eggs and last night when we didn't know what we fancied for our dinner, I made cheese omelettes to have with new potatoes, Yum. I do know that some people don't like the smell of them.


    May we raise children

    Who love the unloved things -

    The dandelion, the worms & spiderlings. 

    Children who sense the rose needs the thorn....

    Nicolette Sowder (American poet and educationalist)

  • OG - glad you got the magazine finished again. As does Lindy - I like eggs too. Jaunt as well because my niece who lives nearby keels chickens and I get lots of lovely free range fresh eggs. They are rescue chickens. Those from battery farms who are deemed to be no longer useful. My niece adopts them and they live a great life wandering about on their land. They are fully feathered and obviously happy because they lay lots of eggs. 
    Lindy - I hope your OH enjoyed his golf. I will be thinking of you both tomorrow and hoping that some progress is made. I am not surprised you are angry. 
    Annette - love the cactus. Very pretty.

    I have been birdwatching today (of course!!) with the ladies group to RSPB Burton Mere Wetlands. Due to the wind, the smaller birds were all hunkered down but we saw plenty waders, ducks and geese. It is always a pleasant walk too. The cafe does wonderful home made quiche and, whilst we were there, they brought out a batch of freshly baked scones. They smelled far too tempting. 

  • LINDY  Hope all goes well at the hospital.

  • Thank you everyone. Busy this morning, as the appointment is for this afternoon. Fingers crossed for some progress.

    Rusty - I'm guessing you had a scone, then!! :-))

  • LINDY: My heart is with you today. I hope you get the answers you need.