LOCH GARTEN 2024 - May to end of season


Thread for April 2024

All pictures and videos ©️RSPBLochGarten&WildlifeWindows

Please read Korky's comprehensive March 2024 intro



Asha & Brodie

The partnership has matured this season, with Asha continuing her good female role (and she loves nest-building) and Brodie being more reliable, both fishing and incubating.

The pair have fought their way thru all kinds of nasty weather - snow, wind and rain - and intruders, including the dreaded KL5 Klive, have been a nuisance but not dangerous...

so far.

21 April @ 10:47

24 April @ 14:06

27 April @ 13:27




Sadly, the month of May heralded irresistible aggression from BlueKL5 "Klive", who had ruined the end of last season for the 2 juvies.

Within the first 2 days Klive had driven Brodie from the area (tho Brodie did return a couple of times to dive-bomb Klive, to no effect) and destroyed the eggs.  He commenced to woo Asha clumsily, selfishly and inappropriately, as can be seen from the following pages.

  • Thank you Cunack for the alert to someone trying to pinch KLive's fish.  Amazing.  I hope it was Brodie, and that he is all right, but in reality I'm not sure I could tell with such a short sighting!

    Sunday 12 May 2024

    04.22  Asha lands on nest perch

    04.22  KLive lands on her back, attempted mating.  He drops to the nest, she fish solicits.

    04.38  Asha dropped to the nest beside KLive to call louder.  He flies up to the nest perch

    04.50  Attempted mating.  Asha shrugs him off..  He tries again and once more gets the cold shoulder while she yells at him.

    04.51  KLive flies off.  Asha is quiet

    05.01  Asha flies to the cam perch.

    05.54  Asha drops to the nest, calling

    05.56  KLive lands on the upper branch of the tree beyond the nest, WITH A FISH.  Asha calls.

    06.28  Asha, hunched up, calls for fish

    06.30  KLive continues to eat the fish., sometimes pausing to look around Asha continues to call

    06.31  KLive leaves the tree beyond.  Asha calls and calls, watching him, possibly landing near the old nest

    06.51  KLive returns with the fish.  There is a swift exchange, and Asha flies off.

    07.03  KLive stands tall on the nest perch

    07.12  KLive poops from the perch and flies off

    07.13  Asha returns, fishless, and calls.  KLive immediately returns, and lands awkwardly on her neck  She tips him off.

    07.14  KLive flies off.  Asha calls.

    08.05  Asha is still calling. looking towards the old nest, etc

    08.37  KLive returns in a burst, and stands with his back to us.  Asha calls.

    08.39  He flies to the nest perch, Asha calls.

    08.40  He flies to the left of the old nest.

    09.11  KLive returns, feet first landing on her back.  They mate, and it was probably successful.  He stands, she lowers her head and calls

    09.21  KLive flies off

    09.47  Stafff are on duty, and look for KLive.

    09.48  The old nest, to the right, to the PTZ pole and back to the left.  One perch.  No.  The top of the dead trees by the PTZ, the VC.

    09.49  t's a good search, and they find him on a tall Scots Pine with top broken off.

    10.07  Asha is still calling.

    10.14  KLive leaves the Scots Pine…and flies to the nest and Asha.  He attempts to mate

    10.15   He leaves, Asha calls indignantly

    10.31  Asha flies away

    12.40   FISH  KLive landed with a huge whole fish, and mantled.  An osprey flew in overhead, dive-bombing him.  Was it Brodie?  It flew on

    12.41  KLive left, with his fish.  PTZ followed him in the skyline.

    12.52.28  KLive returned with his fish, and immediately mantled  An intruder had followed him in.

    12.52  Cam zoomed out, KLive flew off with his fish.  A bird could be seen occasionally above the skyline.  There may have been two but I really couldn't tell.

    13.15  Asha arrives and lands on the nest perch.

    13.34  Asha very alert.  She drops to the nest and calls.

    13.42  She is still looking around.  Something has caught her eye

    13.45  Asha starts calling, flies up to the nest perch.

    13.48  Lovely close up of Asha, preening on the perch, but keeping an eye around her.

    15.13  Asha is still on the nest perch, keeping a wary eye on all around her.

    15.16.50  Wot you lot looking at

    15.17   Asha flies off.  Cam zooms out, and holds the longer view, until

    16.07  A slightly closer view of the nest.  Will Asha get a decent meal from that large fish, or even a meal at all!

    16.30  Cam in search of KLive or Asha

    16.51  Neither was seen.  PTZ settles back on the nest.

    17.35  Cam settled for the night ENS

    Many thanks for the various comments and alerts.  I would have missed the intruder.  I spotted the return of the fish, but missed the attack on the nest.

    Does this mean that Brodie is still around, or is there another potential interloper!


    Birdie's DU Summaries 2018   https://www.imagicat.com/

  • Just wanted to comment on yet another amazing summary. You have a way with words that I envy and dear Scylla leaves me in awe with her video capture and editing. Thanks to all contributors!

  • .

    Just to let y'all know I've been working away like a little Trojaness, except I don't think she would have wasted as much time as I have on insignificances.

    KL5-Klive for ID - but his head looks quite damp, we'll have to try to get a dry one done:


    In order to avoid using such a long word as "successful" in video titles (restricted by YT), I'm wondering if "viable" would be a better alternative than "good".  Do you think it's acceptable in the context?

    Klive's admirable fish:


    The 12:40 attack by Brodie !!!


    What a dainty hit Hugging

    Opening the thread in another tab, I see that SHEILA has done another splendid commentary, I have to take an anti-hypo meal break but... I'll be back Grin

  • Just catching up on messages and have to disagree with Freebird … IMHO Klive rather suits him.. but don’t be surprised if 'higher authorities’ decide that it sounds too much like a radio station. After the’missile debacle nothing would surprise me.

  • .

    Freebird66 said:
    KL5 (he'll never be Klive to me)

    I thought it was witty of Fergus to coin it and kicked myself for not thinking of it first !!!

    However, whilst I am "happy" to call him Klive while he's persona non grata and not performing as a good male would, I have to agree that I'd like something less... um... gawky-sounding if he comes good in the end.

    Yet Clive Owen isn't the slightest bit gawky Heart exclamation ️  

  • Thank you for the kind comment, EJFan, it appreciated.  I'd  forgotten it was Fergus! We can blame the VC if the new generation don't approve!!  LOL

    Birdie's DU Summaries 2018   https://www.imagicat.com/

  • Repeat of 12.40 attack - i have hands full, back later.

  • 20:43 Klive to nest with fish - divebombed x 2 by another osprey 

  • 20:43 was a close call.  There might have been some contact because I saw a few feathers fly up in the air.

  • Oh my goodness, could Brodie really be fighting back?

    Birdie's DU Summaries 2018   https://www.imagicat.com/