Alyth is located in Perth and Kinross on the east coast of Scotland.

The Osprey nest is at the Alyth SSEN Transmission sub station and is the tallest of all the nests on camera in the UK.

Background information:-

The Ospreys have nested at the site for many years since around 1990.

They were nesting on a nearby electricity tower, but due to a planned expansion of the site a decision was taken to resite the old nest to a specially constructed 25-metre nesting tower and two nearby 8.5 metre resting perches, which were erected in 2014. Advice was sought from Roy Dennis.

Since that first breeding season in 2014, a total of 17 osprey chicks have been observed to have fledged from the new site.

Due to the height of the tower, no ringing can take place.

The resident ospreys are called Harry and Flora (blue HK0), named by a local school in Alyth. All pupils were also given their own osprey soft toy as a thank you from the teams for getting involved and for showing such enthusiasm about the ospreys.

In 2023 Flora HK0 arrived on 30th March and Harry on 4th April. Together, they successfully raised three chicks to fledging.

Flora was last seen on 10th August and Harry 7th September. (The camera stream was offline from 13- 23 August) 

Thank you Richard for initial information which I’ve edited to include last year’s figures. 


August 2023 to February 2024

Live stream - SSEN Transmission as provided by Wildlife Windows


Flora (Blue HK0) 28 March 19.19

Harry 29 March 14.40


15/04/24 at 11.01 ———————-Hatched 21 or 22/05/24

18/04/23 at 09.04 (I think!) ————--Hatched 23/05/24

21/04/23 sometime in the morning. ————Hatched 26/05/24


All photos and videos copyright SSEN Transmission Alyth and Wildlife Windows

Harry (left) and Flora HK0 at the beginning of season 2023.

  • 1 April 

    09.31 Fish delivery for Flora.

    Flora takes the fish  and is off with it within 7 seconds.

    ©️SSEN Alyth

  • 2 April

    The nest is taking shape. More soft materials were added today.

    07.53. Not a very nice morning

    10.56 Flora was happy to take a fish delivery

    14.27 Harry 

    17.03 Mating

    17.13 Flora with more soft grasses

    ©️SSEN Alyth

  • 3 April

    Looks like Flora has picked up a wee leg injury.

    She had blood on her right leg when flying in to mate early this morning, 

    Harry was already waiting on the nest after arriving at 06.08


    06.17 Harry sees Flora incoming so flies upwards

    Flora flies onto the nest. You can see the blood at the bottom of her white feathers.

    Harry flies down to mate

    06.23 The injury is more visible here.

    13.43 She is flinching a wee bit when putting her right leg down.


    ©️SSEN Alyth

  • Oh dear.  I do hope nothing untoward has occurred off the nest.  It might have been thought of blood from fish has she not 'flinched'. 

    Birdie's DU Summaries 2018

  • Flora is still able to go about her daily business, bringing in nesting material and sorting sticks.



    16.25 Harry arrives with a fish

    Flora takes a wee stumble handling the fish 

    16.26 She recovers and is able to grab the fish with her right talons and take it off nest.

    ©️SSEN Alyth

  • So good to see Flora using her right leg, Glider, especially watching her carry off her meal. Let's hope it's nothing to worry about Fingers crossed

  • Oh dear.  I do hope nothing untoward has occurred off the nest.  It might have been thought of blood from fish has she not 'flinched'. 

    The blood looked fresh again later on Sheila. A couple of times she seemed wary when putting her weight on it. 


    So good to see Flora using her right leg, Glider, especially watching her carry off her meal. Let's hope it's nothing to worry about 


    I think it’s just a minor injury Sandra but one to keep an eye on. As you say, she was able to carry her fish off nest to eat.

  • 4 April

    06.09 Flora’s leg looks a bit better this morning. The blood has dried with no fresh staining. She still is showing signs of tenderness in her movements. 

    06.18 She held her leg up for a wee shake here whilst walking

    06.22 Aww Heart eyes Look at you two! (Harry in front of Flora)

    06.23 One of many matings this morning

    06.48 Flora bringing in nesting materials

    ©️SSEN Alyth

    I’m stopping here for now as the system won’t let me add any more photos. Keeps dropping them after I’ve selected from my album.

  • Flora is looking stronger on her leg. She receives a fish delivery from Harry.


    She secures it with her right leg to carry off.

    ©️SSEN Alyth