Weekly Chat (Non-Osprey), 25 February 2024


I hope everyone has a good week.

Almost every 4 years an extra day is added to our calendar to keep it in sync with Earth's seasons. The extra day is added to February, the shortest month, and February 29 is called Leap Day. So, next Thursday in the US and UK is Leap Day, and 2024 is a Leap Year.

Some folks celebrate Leap Day by doing something that they've been wanting to do but have been putting off.

Personally, I intend to celebrate this Leap Day by thinking hard about the best way to move forward and make some necessary changes in my life.

I hope you all have a wonderful Leap Day.

Love and hugs to everyone.


  • Morning all:   I'm watching the BBC live coverage of the Navalny funeral.  Amazing that so many people turned out in spite of the danger of showing any support for him.  I guess we should be grateful we don't have to live under such oppression, although with loony decisions by the Alabama Supreme Court, I'm half expecting to see religious police in some southern states (or maybe they're already there under a different name).   Geez.  Am reading news but no time to respond.  Take care all.

  • The much wanted baby expected in my OHs family has arrived safely this morning - a  girl weighing 7lb and 1 oz, delivered by C section. She already looks uncannily like her mother!  We're now awaiting a name and more photos. Granny is thrilled, a 1st grandchild!!

  • Wonderful news Lindybird!  What fun!!  A little girl  -  so many pretty things to buy for girls.  

  • How many  times do I have to read the same posts when I click on View More!!!  Arghhh.

  • I do so agree, Annette.  I am sooooo fed up wth this 'upgrade'.  I see the same posts time and time again, and yet I'm sure I miss all sorts of new things  I seem to read replies without having seen the originals!  Just a straightforward chronological list would be so much better ... 

  • Yes, Pat. It is a serious flaw that we can’t see the majority of the most recent posts which, of course, are the ones we need to reply to. I do find, however, that the site does respond more quickly and it tells me if I need to sign in again BEFORE I try to post which is good. 
    Lindy - what lovely news about the little baby. One of my former colleagues has just had a baby granddaughter too and has posted a beautiful photo of the 2 of them on Facebook. 
    I have a day at home today. I have washing on the go but fear it will rain so that I can’t hang it outside to dry. I don’t have a drier. 
    It is the ladies Spring Meeting at the golf club today. I haven’t signed up and I see that many of my friends haven’t either. Only 13 holes are open and the course will be extremely muddy. In fact it was closed yesterday. It will be no fun especially if it starts raining too. 

  • at. It is a serious flaw that we can’t see the majority of the most recent posts

    Not sure if this will help ,fiddly I know.

    On the 'MORE' Tab click the little Down Arrow on the side, should show immediate previous posts,

    then if you want  older posts,go back to the MORE tab and click the UP ..........

    RSPB do seem to be listening we now have the LIKE arrow(hover over the arrow and you see the word LIKE)

    and also just seen on Tech thread, hover over the minutes/hour of posting and you see the actual time and date Yay!!

  • Sunny Kate - I tried that (I am using an iPad) and it didn’t seem to make a difference. Never mind. I am coping. 
    The weather here is most unpleasant. It is dull, raining and even sleeting at times! I have just checked and the golf course is closed - again!!!!! So the Ladies Competition will have been postponed. Fixture logjam already!!!!!! 

  • LINDY  lovely news for the family.

  • OG  Just not fair that J is expected to install new apps.