Weekly Chat, Sunday December 19, 2010

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  • Evening all: Rain and more rain - but still heard on the news about folks stranded at Heathrow; feel so bad for those whose holidays and family get-togethers will be disrupted.  In the meantime, the Sierras (where I went with daughter and granddaughter back in October) has between 5 and 10 ft of snow.

    Alan: I just sent that Jacquie Lawson card to several people.  It's very sweet.

    Not sure how much I'll be on for the next couple of days. Friend from Placerville is driving down tomorrow - should be a nasty trip in all that rain, and will get here around dinner time. Kansas City friend is arriving Tuesday p.m. by train from LA.  Both leaving Wednesday lunch time. 

    In the meantime, take care all and stay safe.


  • Hi, all. Just wanted to say that I'm sorry about the ugly weather in the UK. Terrible that so many folks' holiday plans have been or will be ruined! Everyone stay safe and warm.

    Patricia: Sorry that you had to miss the carol concert. Sounds like the trip would have been treacherous.
    Terry: Glad your concert went well.
    Brenda: I hope you don't have to change your holiday plans.
    Alan: That card was wonderful!
    George: Stay safe in the bad weather.
    Joan: Be careful in all that snow! Here are a couple of owl moments for you:  http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fppKGJD3Y6c&feature=player_embedded    also    http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Fvbt_mEFM8I&feature=related
    Wendy: Enjoy the chocolates and stay warm.
    Sheila: What a terrible day you had on Saturday! Some days everything goes wrong. :-( Hope your Aga holds up through the holidays.
    Lindy: Love your Christmas avatar. I hope you're completely over your illness and are looking forward to Christmas with little Thomasz.
    OG: Your table was just beautiful. I like your furniture very much. I also have a maple kitchen table and chairs. Loved that photo of the majestic rook. I'm glad that your son sounded good, and I hope he can get home for Christmas.
    Eagle-Eye: So nice to see you again!!!
    AQ: Go easy on yourself this Christmas. You've had a really busy, stressful year.
    Annette: I hope you have a lovely time with your friends. You deserve a thoroughly enjoyable visit!!! Stay safe in the rains. I heard that 6-8 major storms were stacked up to hit California.
    Lynette: Lovely deer pictures. That reminds me...

    I was sitting in the living room late last night, and I thought I saw a shadow go across the living room window outdoors. I looked up and didn't see anything, so I assumed it was just car lights from the highway. I went back to reading my book. And then I definitely saw something walk right by my window. Startled, I got up and looked out. It was several DEER!  They were crossing my land to go to the creek/burn for a drink. They were so beautiful in the snow!

  • Diane: How exciting to have deer right by the house.  Rains are quite amazing, especially as "they" forecast a dry (La Nina) winter - haven't seen rain like this for years.  Just looked at Trucker Steve's site - he's in a truckstop in Wyoming - sure looks cold - what a life those drivers lead, eh?  Oh yes - like that avatar!

    Take care.

  • Happy Winter Solstice, Full Moon, and Total Lunar Eclipse to everyone!!!

    A total lunar eclipse that occurs on the winter solstice is a very rare event. The last time this happened was 450 years ago, and it won't occur again until 2401!!! 

    You'll have to wait until 2014 to see a total lunar eclipse at all.

    For U.K. times: http://www.google.com/hostednews/ukpress/article/ALeqM5hpMvetf6X84VJ_PxPeCA2BW1SPHQ?docId=N0232841292813554197A


    For U.S. times and good background info: http://bigthink.com/ideas/25574

    G'night from the frozen prairie.

  • Always loved this one, so decided to share it this Winter Solstice:


    Ospreys Rule OK, but Goldfinches come a close second!

  • Hello Everyone, and Happy Monday!    Still laughing at aunties wonderful Christmas card!  Thank you auntie!

    (will read rest of above posts in a minute, must get on with this now,  as Monday Smiles are a bit late)

    Its about   -6 degrees here, and all the trees are white with frost overnight.  Not going to be much warmer all day, apparently.  We will all be losing some of the plants in the garden again, like last year when it was so unusually cold.  Keep warm inside & safe, everyone in UK!

    Here is this week's Monday Smile, more of the 'Mens Solutions to Problems'


    (seen in a bookshop)



    Finally, a seasonal solution!

  • Thanks for the YouTube clip, OG!  Have not heard  that tune for many many years!


    Patricia - To get single spacing for poems, etc, instead of "Enter", hold down "Shift" and "Enter" at the same time. Just one of those things I discovered by accident.

    Annette - Last time we had Xmas dinner the "boys" took charge, washing & wiping dishes, while I put things away. I expect a repeat performance!!!

    Auntie - Thank you for your delightful card. I hope you are able to stay warm. People here are complaining about the cold - temps today ranged from 12 to 19 C.

    Diane - I want some deer to wander past my window.

    I’ll just have to make do with the magpies who coming calling several times a day now. Mother & one Junior sing to us. The others, just turn up and wait until we notice them. There is Aunt, another Junior, and Mister. Mother only has a few beakfuls, which she catches in the air, and then she flies off. Juniors squabble and one of them is not yet very confident. Both Mother & Aunt have broken beaks.

    Lots of Aussies are stranded by the UK big freeze. Dau2 has a friend who flew to Heathrow, flight to Europe cancelled, so slept at airport, next flight cancelled too. So he decided to get to Europe by train. Somehow he ended up in Birmingham (!!!!!!!) By the time he returned he missed his train to Europe. After nearly 30 hours travelling the last thing I would want to do is sleep at Heathrow.

    Rudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer
    Rudolph, the red-nosed reindeer
    had a very shiny nose.
    And if you ever saw him,
    you would even say it glows

    You are advised that under the Equal Opportunities act, it is inappropriate for persons to make comment with regard to the ruddiness of any part of Mr R Reindeer. Further to this, exclusion of Mr R Reindeer from the Reindeer Games will be considered discriminatory and disciplinary action will be taken against those found guilty of this offence. A full investigation will be implemented and sanctions - including suspension on full pay - will be considered whilst this investigation takes place.

  • Morning all .... only a little fresh snow overnight, thank goodness. I still can't quite believe how much snow fell in the space of two hours yesterday afternoon ... I've never see anything like it before. The world looks very beautiful in the sunshine this morning ... but I've had enough of it  :-(   I feel very sorry for all those people who have had their travel plans disrupted. I was supposed to be at a funeral this morning, but I decided it was better not to risk the roads.

    Linda - great Monday smiles as usual ... love the Christmasa tree one!

    Diane - thanks for the lovely owl links ... such beautiful birds. How wonderful to see deer so close to your house ... magical!

    Annette - shame about all your rain ... but enjoy the company of your friends.

    OG - great youtube clip! Glad to hear that your son sounded cheerier.

    Alan - lovely eagle pic and clip ... and thanks for sharing the e-card.

    Lynette - pleased to hear that your Carol Service went off well.

    auntie - thank you for the lovely card.

    Thanks to everyone for chat etc

    Take care.

    Joan - avid bird and nature watcher in Northumberland!

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