I start this thread with a heavy heart, as Brodie hasn't been seen at all on Friday 30th June. The last fish delivered to the nest was at 21.11 on 28 June, over 48 hours ago. Brodie was last sighted at 09.10 hours on 29 June, over 36 hours ago.

Chick 1 hatched 'early morning' on the 4 June and chick 2 overnight on 6 June. One egg didn't hatch (maybe number 1?). There were lots of intruders during the month of June, including KL5, and last year's male Axel on the weekend of 17/18th.  Brodie has disappeared before for a couple of days, and no fish were delivered over the first weekend after hatching on 10/11th June so maybe we should keep the faith and cross all eyes, toes and fingers that Brodie will come good, recover from whatever keeps him away from his nest and chicks, and deliver a stonking fish first thing on 1 July.

Link to June 2023 thread

  • Thank you all for your empathy, but...

    scylla said:
    Scuse me, KORKY

    I didn't mean to shoot the messenger, how clumsy of me.  I love Korky, and so say all of us, I'm sure! Purple heart

    BTW, I noted that LG also thought Brodie couldn't be eating a lot away from the nest.

  • scylla said:
    I love Korky

    mutual, scylla Hugging

  • Me too Scylla, not on Facebook. Surely LG could keep us posted with updates and not be being off, following the saga regarding Mistle/Asha, a bit petty I would say, if that is the case?

    Beauty is in the eye of the beholder.

  • I agree Sheila, back in the days and even upto not all that long ago, they would have relied on what the regular and dedicated posters put on here, in case it was something they missed or could look back at, when something of irmportance was reported. Sad that they can't be bothered anymore.

    Beauty is in the eye of the beholder.

  • Unknown said:

    A whopper at 19.35

    (c) RSPB Loch Garten

    #2 is learning by experience at such a young age.  #1 kept it against the rim, threatening with chest pushes, but no biting as far as I could tell.  #2 just kept out of it until #1 had sufficient and had its turn.  I have to say however, that neither is actually starving.  Both have very full crops.!  There could be left overs for breakfast at this rate.

    Birdie's DU Summaries 2018   https://www.imagicat.com/

  • Unknown said:
    I started reading it, got about half way through the first line and clicked on the text to read the rest of it.. The whole massage just disappeared,

    Well, Richard, whether you like it or not we are now FRIENDS Grinning 

    The only way I could msg you was via a friendship request because we can only msg "friends" - and obviously you inadvertently accepted my request when you clicked, hence the msg disappeared because, as far as the system was concerned, it had been dealt with.

    I promise faithfully I will not spam you.  


    06 July


    FISH !!! !!! !!!

    Have I gone mad?  Or has YouTube gone mad?  Off I go to find out, and I'm only now doing the 19:35 fish.




    Had a crash trying to finish 19:35 so I've abandoned it.

    Here is the very early delivery from Brodie, I've checked the nestcam and it's there but too dark to see the fish.

    He's had a good helping from it so must have caught it some time ago.

  • Morning All
    This fish must be from yesterday

    Taking into account the amount eaten it must be late yesterday

  • The only bird i know that fishes for frog's in the dark is the Owl

    I now must get ready to see my Heart nurse annual check up

  • Fish delivery at 9 22 am nice trout

    taken from scroll back

  • Beautiful fish at 09.22! Where is everyone on this nest today? You just can't get the staff

    (c) RSPB Loch Garten