Dyfi live stream is now on. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0pqHg8Dt7pgWe have a few problems with the video stuttering, these will be looked at as soon as possible. Visitor to the nest, with their lunch!
Idris brought a breakfish with trailing entrail - Telyn took one look at it and fled to the high perch without it - then Idris ate a little and settled down for a short time, then off he flew with it and Telyn resumed incubating once the danger ws out of sight
Can't get a better snap, sorry.
Unknown said:2nd egg 16.32
I've never heard so many grunts! But once again, Idris steals the show - but Telyn completely ignores him and he has to retire defeated:
scylla said:
AG said: 2nd egg 16.32
__________________________________________________________________________________Well done Telyn on laying your second egg and oh my Idris, you tried so hard to get onto the eggs!
Richard B
14.36 Fish delivery for Telyn, well deserved after laying her 3rd egg.
She takes it to the perch to eat
and brings back some for Idris. 15.43
Saturday, April 22nd.
Approximately 08.25, with a few gentle contact calls, Idris flies in with a flounder.
Telyn shows no interest so Idris takes it to the perch displacing the magpie, who had since arrived there, to the other side.
A wee while later, Telyn starts gently calling and at around 08.51, Idris returns to the nest with the fish.
Telyn takes it and starts eating on the nest. You can see the 3 eggs here
and again as Idris carefully positions his leg not to stand on them.
Telyn lands on the perch with the fish.
It’s difficult to see in the photos, but there are a lot of flying insects around this morning. They look like like pale smudges like the circled one.
At around 09.29, Telyn is tearing into the flounder enjoying breakfast.
Then the camera zooms out to long range again revealing an empty nest.
Telyn stopped eating and looked around, assessing the situation. She then started eating again. A nearby wing flap was heard as a bird landed on the cam pole? Telyn immediately swooped down to the nest.
She shook the fish off her talons and sat down on her eggs. Two loud honking geese flew past.