Link to 2022 season's thread
Foulshaw Moss 2022: Three chicks were raised successfully - Blue 479, a female weighing 1.8kg, Blue 480, a male weighing 1.7kg, and Blue 481, a male weighing 1.4kg (info taken from CWT's ringing blog)
©CWT/Foulshaw Moss
Esthwaite 2022: Adults, 7A(14) ('son' of Blue 35 & White YW) and an unringed female, raised a sole surviving female chick (from 3 eggs laid) who was ringed Blue 488, weighing 1.701kg. Link to Osprey Safari Fb page (please scroll down the Fb site for last season's updates).
©Osprey Safari/Esthwaite
Link to the CWT/Foulshaw Moss Ospreys webcam page
Female Blue 35 - Hatched 2010 - Kielder 1 nest
Male White YW - Hatched 2008 - Bassenthwaite
Last year, Female Blue 35 arrived first, at 1pm on 30 March 2022, followed by the male White YW at around 7.30pm that evening (in 2021 they both returned 26 March).
Hoping for their safe, spring migrations and another another successful season.
*In special memory of Starling (RIP) and Patily (RIP) who both loved watching and reporting on the FM nest*
24 May
I hope #2 is OK - from what I can see in the evening feed, it is absolutely tiny
Well, here's the evening feed and a view a bit later. After that feed YW took the fish away and didn't bring it back. The cam never zoomed in, in fact it zoomed way out at one point, The best view is a close crop I did at the end, when they both looked a more normal size.
I'll try to remember to have another go on the 25th.
Great news Alan. Thank you so much
Thank you Scylla
Oh Rubbish, sorry folks - it's a terrible capture
Unknown said:Oh Rubbish, sorry folks - it's a terrible capture
That's what happens when you attempt live captures - a little blighter will drop its head and you're stymied
Fortunately, I've got recordings to millisecond my way to-and-fro in - this is from this morning, showing that last evening's concern was misplaced:
(In fact, both the cams went down last night, fortunately I noticed and got new URLs in time for the morning. Maybe that's why the cam was behaving irrationally last night - like zooming out instead of in.)
That's better. Thanks Scylla. Two perfect bobble heads
25 May suppertime:
26 May breakfishtime - zoomed way out again:
Hoo rah, peace and a good feed. The grass around the nest looks like water to me in this capture ! Could so easily me the sea
Thanks Scylla
26 May supper:
27 May mid-morning:
I had a catastrophe due to a Windows file system error with a long number that I googled but found nothing helpful... anyway, it caused the loss of hours and hours of footage, varying across the nests depending what stage they were at in their 6-hour session.
Aha! I found 14 hours of Cam1 - but when it commenced @ 06:15 there were already 3 osplets:
06:03 EDIT
Found this on Twitter but it gives no hatch time:
The .m3u8 links to these cams will no longer download on auto - this is from the 360 YouTube cam, cropped.
#3 seemed to be rather vulnerable a lot of the time, then it got lively fo a couple of feeds, I think it's doing fine:
There were a couple of intruder alerts thru the day.